Hi I have downloaded an XML/Flash Menu, and customized it a bit and it works great, but i want to add some more functionality, (unfortunaly its way over my head, im just a lowlevel flasher on the script side, and XML is quite new to me, very very insteresting though and its gonna be my next thing to really explore)
HOW is it possible to add functionality to the XML so it will act just like
_root_gotoAndStop(“lable1”); would do in flash?
meaning i want to add function to the links in the XML so it can jump to a frame or frameLable i flash via the XML input…
My flash file is 1 file, 5 frames (with stop(); actions (each frame 1 menu point) - and no serious scripting the one “special” thing is a news section
which load content fra an XML file. there on LoadMovies or anything that might complicate things.
2: I also want to ad a simple getURL function to the XML
(this could actually be fixed just witha frameaction inside flash IF question 1 i possible) basically i just want a link to work as the getURL(url [, window [, “variables”]])
anyway the MAIN question is HOW do i add the gotoAndPlay function in the script pasted here below:
(as said my AS and XML is quite pathetic so be gentle)
FRAME1 Code In flash:
import it.sephiroth.TreeDnd
// set some style to the component
var theTree:mx.controls.Tree = dnd.getTree();
theTree.setStyle(‘embedFonts’, true);
theTree.setStyle(‘openDuration’, 100);
theTree.setStyle(“disclosureClosedIcon”, “iconPlus”)
theTree.setStyle (“disclosureOpenIcon”,“iconMinus”);
dnd.setStyle(“separatorColor”, ‘0xFF0000’);
theTree.rowHeight = 20;
theTree.vScrollPolicy = “auto”
theTree.iconFunction = function(item){
if( this.getIsBranch(item)){
return “folder_icon”
} else {
return “node_icon”
// define event listener
var dndList:Object = new Object();
dndList.double_click = function(evt:Object)
testo.text = evt.type
dndList.drag_start = function(evt:Object)
testo.text = evt.type
dndList.drag_fail = function(evt:Object)
testo.text = evt.type
dndList.drag_complete = function(evt:Object)
trace(‘drag complete’)
testo.text = evt.type
dndList.drag_target = function(evt:Object)
evt.targetMc.text = "Dropped: " + evt.sourceNode
// ***********************************
// set the event listeners
// ***********************************
this.dnd.addEventListener(‘double_click’, dndList);
this.dnd.addEventListener(‘drag_start’, dndList);
this.dnd.addEventListener(‘drag_fail’, dndList);
this.dnd.addEventListener(‘drag_complete’, dndList);
this.dnd.addEventListener(‘drag_target’, dndList); // when an item is dropped over a defined target
this.dnd.dropTarget = [testo] // defined a drop target
you can define also custom drag and drop functions
this.dnd.dragFunction = function(item:XMLNode){
// return if item can be dragged
return true;
this.dnd.dropFunction = function(source:XMLNode, target:XMLNode){
// return if dragged item can be dropped into the target item
return true
// ***********************************
// Now load an XML into Tree component
// ***********************************
var _xml:XML = new XML();
_xml.ignoreWhite = true
_xml.onLoad = function(){
dnd.getTree().dataProvider = this.firstChild
FRAME1 Code (different layer) In Flash:
import it.sephiroth.TreeDnd
var check_listener:Object = new Object();
check_listener.click = function(evt:Object){
var data:String = evt.target.label
var obj_string:Number = 0
if( data == ‘DEFAULT’ or data == ‘DENYALL’)
for(var a = 0; a < 6; a++)
if( evt.target.parent['cb’ + a] != evt.target)
evt.target.parent['cb’ + a].selected = false
} else {
evt.target._parent.cb_0.selected = false
evt.target._parent.cb_1.selected = false
for(var a = 0; a < 6; a++){
if( evt.target.parent['cb’ + a].selected == true){
obj_string |= TreeDnd[evt.target.parent['cb’ + a].label]
evt.target._parent.dnd.dragRules = obj_string
trace( evt.target._parent.dnd.dragRules )
this.cb_0.addEventListener(‘click’, check_listener);
this.cb_1.addEventListener(‘click’, check_listener);
this.cb_2.addEventListener(‘click’, check_listener);
this.cb_3.addEventListener(‘click’, check_listener);
this.cb_4.addEventListener(‘click’, check_listener);
this.cb_5.addEventListener(‘click’, check_listener);
for(var a = 0;a < 6; a++){
this[‘cb_’ + a].setStyle(‘fontFamily’,‘font1’)
this[‘cb_’ + a].setStyle(‘fontSize’,8);
this[‘cb_’ + a].setStyle(‘embedFonts’, true);
testo.setStyle(‘embedFonts’, true);
And here is the XML:
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“iso-8859-1”?>
<node data=“id=1” label=“Welcome - website” icon=“folderYellowClosed”>
<node isOpen="" data=“id=233” label=“HOVEDMENU1”>
<node data=“id=245” label=“SUB1_0”/>
<node data=“id=245” label=“SUB1_1”/>
<node data=“id=245” label=“SUB1_2”/>
<node data=“id=245” label=“SUB1_3”/>
<node data=“id=245” label=“SUB1_4”/>
<node isOpen="" data=“id=305” label=“HOVEDMENU2”>
<node data=“id=621” label=“SUB2_1”/>
<node data=“id=625” label=“CSUB2_2”/>
<node data=“id=621” label=“SUB2_3”/>
<node data=“id=625” label=“SUB2_4”/>
<node data=“id=625” label=“SUB2_5”/>
<node data=“id=621” label=“SUB2_6”/>
<node data=“id=625” label=“SUB2_7”/>
<node isOpen="" data=“id=325” label=“HOVEDMENU3”>
<node data=“id=329” label=“SUB3_1”/>
<node data=“id=333” label=“SUB3_2”/>
<node data=“id=337” label=“SUB3_3”/>
<node isOpen="" data=“id=369” label=“HOVEDMENU4”>
<node data=“id=373” label=“SUB4_1”/>
<node data=“id=377” label=“SUB4_1”/>
please please
i have tried downloading dozens of flash/xml files to learn more but i have not been able to overcome this issue)