please let me know what you think of my new portfolio:)
thnx in advance,
please let me know what you think of my new portfolio:)
thnx in advance,
Did you do all the AE work yourself?
I think the site is very clean. I clicked on the video links in your portfolio though and it didn’t go anywhere…
yes ethan:)
& the video links arent up yet, im trying to figure out how i am going to display them:)
I really liked it Sean. Its good how you chose a subtle theme where the feeling you get from the site is ambient and chillout. The design is well organised with main nav in the center across as well as the links above and some animation down the bototm to add to the site. Colors as well fit well with the bg and the images below. I also liked how you intergrated yourself in the site. Great Job.
One thing I came across is the audio. Can you disable/enable it?
Great! Only problem I found is when you make the window big (full screen on my monitor) the site gets all messed up.
//is there some special “output to flash” or any other good reason to use AfterEfects instead of other programs, with flash?
Hover over the audio word.
Very nice, I like it lots… soft, elegant and contemporary all at the same time. Layout is good, seemless and clean. Portfolio is strong too :),
My one comment is the pictures of yourself… maybe try some kind of application on them, I dunno what but they look a little plain and a little not in the same style.
I like this alot, Thanx
lolz I was like “sean mee? sean mee? Where have I heard that name before?” And yes its Sean from Dope.
Hover over the audio word.
Yeh somehow before it was accessible but yes now it works. Sean also, Ive been meaning to suggest you something about Dope. Seeing how you award sites that you think should be awarded and added to the according categories, I think maybe like add a small section on the front that displays the new added sites?
3D, I think AE would be a good choice if you just wanted nice flash effects. I wouldnt think he would use soemthing like C4D when his site is not displaying a technological advanced theme.
3d Nirvana,
yikes that is all messed up:( im not sure how to fix that problem? i have a filler at the bottom of my flash to take care of the empty space, but it doesnt seem to be doing the job:( any suggestions anyone?
What resolution are you using 3D? Something else i see is that your using Firefox. I used IE 6 with no problems. Try and see if you can display it properly in IE… if you still have it.
3d nirvana…could you please do the fullscreen thing again and take another screeny for me, i added a bigger filler to the bottom and exteneded the background a bit:)
Ok it’s a little better in IE. but still not prefect. I’m using 1200 x 1600
//so AE has export to flash? I use combustion as my compositing/2d effect program, but have AE also, just never used it. Should I switch?
and here it is with firefox fullscreen (fixed the cloud background prob it looks like
and it looks like you just updated when I took my IE screenshot… it looks fine in IE now.
thnx nirvana:)
i cant seem to fix it for firefox, works fine in ie, ill have to see if i can figure out later, im stumped right now:)
as afar as the effects are concerned, i used ae, but i didnt export to flash, i exported as jpegs. I exported 2 second for the bottom aniamtions, with the jpeg setting on 12 fps & the quality is set to 38 for size purposes, from there i simply made an empty movie cip in flash matching the size of the ae jpegs and placed the jpegs into the moviecip:)
thnx again nirvana for the secreenys:)
This is just a funny observation…
… It seems that lots of flash designers like to use a picture of themselves with a ball cap on at like a 3/4 view…
Still love the site though.
Wow great site, the rollover effects are a :thumb:
I love the site… in my view it is apsolutly perfect except for one thing with is just a perconal thing that anoys me on every site and this is pictured of the dude how made the site… not that your ugly or anything just i dont like pictures like that
other than that amazing job… i like most of the sites in your portfolio 2
I love it! No problems here!
How did you do the button rollover effect, that looks amazing!
Where do you get your sound effects? I’ve been looking for some nice soft ones like that but they’re hard to find.
Great work Love the transactions between the sections… The Aftereffects really did it for me…
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