I just put the second version of my site up. tell me what you think. thanks!
Wow I’m impressed with your 3D work, but I’m not impressed with your site at all. Judging by your work, I think you can come up with something better than what you have now.
I mean you have an awesome portfolio so you should have a site that reflects it. Make an interface out of whatever 3D program you use and bring it into flash.
Overall, I think you can do better.
Harsh words EG, not everyone is as good as you
- Soul :goatee:
Although the site is simple, I think as a professional portfolio site it works well. Viewers are able to navigate it easily and quickly and can be wowed by the actual work. The site is for a 3D modeler, not a flash guru and in that respect, I think it is very effective.
I applaud your restraint and feel that the site exemplifies what it is the artist does: 3D modeling.
*Originally posted by Soul *
**Harsh words EG, not everyone is as good as you
- Soul :goatee: **
Was I too harsh? :*( I really liked his 3D work though.
I guess I’m just being harsh because when I started, people were harsh on me too and that’s the only way I was able to improve.
i appreciate the “harshness” hehe EG. What I was going for was a clean, simple, and professional look. I didnt want to get that much into flash and make it look like a digital media site, bc thats not what i do. I appreciate all the comments, and please, let me know if you see something that it sticking out that I should change. Thanks!
btw, i dont know flash that well, as you can see :geek:
slice56, you do have a point, I just think it needs to be a bit more interesting so people will stay long enough to view the rest of your work which is amazing.
A lot of time when I visit a site, I tend to prejudge it by it’s looks and often time there are great content hidden inside.
Either way, you have kickass 3D skills, best of luck to you. =)
thx man, i appreciate it! i really want to do a site that looks like 3d, but i dont know how. i see all these sites with 3d integrated, and i dont see how they do it. i can do it, but i dont know how to get it into flash/html. any tuts?
wow… I love those nissan and the supra renders…
Supra = *my fav car (only wish they still had it on production) =(
oh wells
This is where I tend to disagree with the pack.
I feel the portfolio should speak volumes over the design of the site. JMO.
Other than that, I think that you could improve the colors to give a bit more impact, maybe with some movement of some kind. I really liked the video, maybe you could incorporate some smaller version of that…
I would also make your artwork a little more available. One has to click quite a few times to get a look at the close ups.
So… to recap… I think it is a good site, especially for site#2, that just needs some of your artwork in the background.
electrongeek’s site sucks… the content is of the topic… poor graphical design… flash is all about the beauty of vector and not 3d.
*Originally posted by circaman *
**electrongeek’s site sucks… the content is of the topic… poor graphical design… flash is all about the beauty of vector and not 3d. **
I’m glad someone think it sucks, it’s about time I get some pointers. So circaman, could you give me some pointers on how to improve my site instead of telling me it sucks? =)
I tend to learn more when people back up what they say instead of talking because talking is easy, but backing up what they say is another story. =)
Let me know if I can use your 'Reel’QT movie as my march feature.Credit will be given to you etc.I need to know by the 28th.
Also do you have any more QT that I can preview for future display.
site is easy to navigate, however I found that it was off to the right and I had to scroll to see it or maximize my window. I would change that. Also, I too think that your renders should be more accessable. Your 3D design is top notch. Your site, is average. the content does speak for itself, but with some more intuitive controls it could really make for a great place to showcase your work.
what do you mean “use” it as a feature? sorry, not being mean, just dont understand. Also, thank you for the crit ijerry, i am trying to figure out a way to seamlessly be able to navigate thru my work, but i dont know how to do it.
Perhaps a little modification to something like this site has would work. Just have all of your slides in a medium thumbnail size. When one clicks on them they become enlarged as shown here. then when they roll off the pic you are back at all the thumbnails. I think this would work out fine for showcasing your work, and it not being to hard to navigate. Just a suggestion, I am sure that there are many more ways to do image navigation.
*Originally posted by circaman *
** flash is all about the beauty of vector and not 3d. **
says who?.. i mean. i really hardly come across any cool sites that are plain vector… if not 3d, they would atleast have bitmapped textures and stuff like that…
my two cents… :sigh:
electrongeek’s site is all about flash, it’s all flash, so how can anyone say that flash is not about 3D? that’s like saying flash is not about colours?!? flash is about anything that can be done using flash, including the incorporation of font, colour, digital media, including sound.
while electrongeek’s site has a techie feel to it, it is most definately all about flash, the flash becomes transparent and you are left with a usable and pleasant internet experience
now if a flash site is about spinning text and text flying all around the screen than this statement is true:
“electrongeek’s site sucks… the content is of [sic] the topic… poor graphical design… flash is all about the beauty of vector and not 3d.”
But his site is about the vector, afterall, it’s made with flash and the whole site is nothing more than a bunch of mathemetical equations. And how is it off topic? That makes no sense at all.
yeah, that site you mentioned was nice ijerry, but i have NO IDEA how to do it lol