
People need to stop having the government do their parenting for them. They expect all these control methods to safeguard their kids from this stuff, and then something happens, and now it is the videogames fault. But no one tells them the truth, and it is their own **** fault.

None of these parents want to accept the responsibility that they screwed up, and now want a scapegoat.

Want to blame gun killings on video games? Fine. Go ahead and try to ban them, or try to stop a company from producing what they want.

But I blame deaths from drunk driving on beer and alcohol. Are you actively trying to stop beer companies from producing their product? No. Why? Because it is socially accepted. But they are the cause of those accidents, and nothing can refute that.

How can people honestly not want these games made, and think they are right?

If you donā€™t want a game, donā€™t get it. Donā€™t play it. Stop your kids from playing it. After all, it is YOUR responsibility, not the governments, or the clerk at Wal-mart.

Welcome to America. A game company has the right to make another Leisure Suit Larry game, just as much as Coors has the right to make their beer.

Do these games interest me? Not at all. They are gimmicks. Just like Postal 2 was a gimmick. They are not quality games. But do they ahve the right to make them? Absolutely.

isnt there a thread e-x-a-c-t-l-y like this?:tb:

Adult games are funny, and of course you know who their targeted at. Those people who will never get ā€œsomeā€. I say keep making em, just watch what the hell you kid is playing. Iā€™m so sick of neglegent parents, the rating system is there for a reason.

Iā€™ve played 18+ rated games and donā€™t have a problem with them. Iā€™ve never felt the urge to go out and bludgeon someone to death after playing Unreal. As far as Iā€™m concerned, the only people who are likely to go out and try to recreate what theyā€™ve seen in a game are those who are a few sandwiches short of a picnic in the first place (and in all likelihood didnā€™t need the game to prompt them to have a go).

Youā€™re never going to be able to completely wipe out underage kids playing this stuff, no matter how hard you try. Stores can check for ID, parents can keep an eye on their kids, but some are going to slip through the net.

I lump arguments like this and violence and sex in TV on any form of media all together. I like violent video games and movies. Iā€™ve played leisure suit larry back in like 90 whenever that thing came out. Iā€™m a fan of p0rn. I watch tons of violent movies.

With that being said, my parents allowed us to play games like we did. Dad encouraged us to have sex, but my parents instilled good morals in us. I know the difference between right and wrong and the media isnā€™t changing my opinions. Parents need to build the foundation of their children not depend on media to do it.

So with all the p0rn and violence Iā€™ve seen, which is alot I should be some craze maniacā€¦ Iā€™ve never been in a physical fight. Iā€™ve never disrespected a woman. I treat others as I want to be treated.

I think this thread can grow more in Ordered than in Computers and Games. This is a well rounded discussion that more can join in on :smiley:

The **** industry makes billions and billions of dollars every year. If they and some new game developers can squeeze in that market, I personally donā€™t see it as a problem. This is the same situation with the movie industry. Thereā€™s ****, and thereā€™s not ****. So far there really isnā€™t tension on the line between the two when it comes to kids. Stores will usually not let kids walk out with ā€œSandy Lollipop fixes a Saladā€ or even go into the section, in some of the movie stores Iā€™ve been in. Game stores right now ID kids who want to purchase R-Rated games, or otherwise require parental consent. I think they could handle games that were rated A (for Adults). If a parent would allow his/her kid to get this game, so be it. We shouldnā€™t tell a parent how to raise their child. They may have their own methods or ways, who knows.

But should these games be made? I donā€™t see why not. The Japanese donā€™t seem to have a problem with it at the moment. But honestly, if it takes a sleezy game to get you by, you honestly need to go out more.

My two euros.

**** = p.o.r.n

Actually, it is legal for him to play those games. The ESRB (US game rating system) isnā€™t a government organization, they just suggest the ages that should be (in their mind) playing the game. The whole stores not being allowed to sell games to people under the gameā€™s rating thing is a decision made up in the upper management of the companies. Thatā€™s why some places will let younger children get by and others wonā€™t.

This just isnā€™t possible in our society. You canā€™t watch your kids 24 hrs a day and if you did they just wouldnā€™t grow up right. And theyā€™d probably hate you. And theyā€™d be in therapy for years. And theyā€™d probably screw up their own kids.

Anyway, just like underage kids have been finding alcohol for DECADES, kids are going to find all sorts of ā€˜black marketā€™ type stuff from movies to video games to drugs and alcohol. You tell a kid they canā€™t have something they want and theyā€™ll find a way to get it. Nature of the beast.

my two shekels


Thanks for moving it. :thumb:

wish my parents were more like yours!! :rabbit:

my god, Kitiara plays Unrealā€¦ my whole fantasy goes down in flames. I think Iā€™ll go bump a whore just like Leisure Suit Larry, run over a bunch of monks walking in line in the streets with the Ferrari I just stole and go buy an RPG to blow up some dude in the streets. That ought to calm me downā€¦

There are crazy people all over the world. One person can go out on a killing spree mimicking Resident Evil, but in comparison to the million others whoā€™ve played these kind of games, it seems quite bizarre to blame the killing spree on Resident Evil.
The killer was just crazy, itā€™s not the GAMEā€™s (or the developperā€™s) faultā€¦ final.

[edit : typo among others :stuck_out_tongue: ]

In realation to the topic the worst game Ive ever played was BMXXX which was a bmx game with unlockable stripper movies. Everything in the game sucked except when your chracter fell.

but my parents instilled good morals in us. I know the difference between right and wrong and the media isnā€™t changing my opinions. Parents need to build the foundation of their children not depend on media to do it.

Well said. You know you can grow up in a highly catholic environment, going to all those nice private schools and doing your hail maryā€™s every dayā€¦and grow up to be way more screwed up than video games could ever hope to make you. Its not your environment or the things you do/read/see that determine who you are. Its how you interpret these things and what you do with these interpretations. If your parents instilled a good moral and ethical sense in you, then you can play the most fā€™d up video games and it wonā€™t damage youā€¦on the flip side if your parents werenā€™t really ever parents to begin with, then you can take your cues from games and movies because you donā€™t know anything else. Parents need to own up and start taking responsibility. Having kids is THE biggest responsibility of them all and alot of people take that fact way to lightly. If your kid goes out and steals a car, you canā€™t blame Grand Theft Auto for that. Thats nothing but YOUR lack of parenting.

Sure there should be regulation by age. Just like it doesnā€™t make sense to sell beer to a 5 year old, it doesnā€™t make sense to let a 5 year old play Leisure Suit Larryā€¦but to ban something entirely only serves to go against one of the foundations of this country, which is free speech. Just like that whole thing with 2-Live Crew thing a couple years back. If you donā€™t like it, thats fineā€¦but donā€™t try to cram your beliefs down my throat by trying to ban something that I may enjoy.

[Out Of Topic]

in France, alcohol can be sold to a 5 year oldā€¦ :slight_smile:

[/Out Of Topic]

I read the same article. It is in the September (I think) issue of OXM (Official Xbox Magazine) Those in the Halo K-Team have seen me ā€œreportā€ on the Halo2 coverage they have.

Our society is bent on money. It defines everything that we strive for. The ā€œMoney canā€™t buy everythingā€ phrase is getting less and less true. The new AO (Adult Onlty) ESRB rated games mentioned at the start of this thread only prove that if people want it, they will buy it (or a substitute). Game developers want money, people have money. They in turn cater to the people and provide a sort of entertainment service that the people buy. I dont think it is a good idea to have P-O-R-N (sorry mods if that is bad, but it isnā€™t bad in this useage) games. It goes againts tons of my morals. On the M games issue, i donā€™t think violence in videogames makes people nuts. My friends mom said the ā€œIt helps you get out your aggressions on a game, not a personā€.

And, some parents these days are dumber than the fly that I just squished on my monitor. I mean dumber than the fly in itā€™s current state.

There, my jumbled mess of thoughts presented in a jumbled mess,

Actually I think they should be allowed to make anything they want and stores can make the decision to sell it. This kind of thing comes up about every 3 to 5 years in games and then it quietly disappears because nobody is really that interested. Slap an XXX rating on the game and no one but the perverted, sick, and twisted will buy it. And maybe, just maybe, those types will stay glued to their TV instead of taking it out on someone else.

wether we like it or not, sexuality will become a part of our videogames like it is a part of network tv. 30 years ago there was absolutely no sex on tv, but as society grows, we have tv shows where the entire plot is focused on sex. video games are probably on the same track.

Put Lots Of Sex In Video Games Id Love A Really Good Virtually sex Game!!!