I have fianlly built my new computer and it @%@ing fast. After a week of hardships it has finally come true. Don’t ask me why I am sharing this with you
i dunnno yet havnt named it
I get my CPU tomarrow. Athalon XP 2100.
I’ve got no clue on a name either. I’m taking suggestions now. Knowing me, and my personalty, anyone got any suggestions?
how bout david jr.
how about VampireJr
lol… ok, I was thinking of something with a little bit more of a clasic slant.
Lets see here… it’s a box, it’s a portal to the internet, it’s a gaming station… it’s aluminum. it’s fast…
Anyone know the name of any famous mythic rabit characters?
how about that rabbit in alice in wonderland…he can TALK :!:
how about “quicksilver vampire david Jr”
i have yet to name my comp…didnt see any reason too… (-:
serious: how about
Lightning Speed -obvious
NuclearExplosion - reffering to awsome power
QuantomExperiment - quantom is smaller than atom and much faster; referring to advanced nature of comp
XtremeGraphics -obvious
Superior Media -obvious
“the White Rabbit”? hmm… maybe
I was thinking that maybe Babba-Yaga had a rabbit.
course probebly most people don’t know the Iron Hag that well.
Maybe “MercuryHare”
how about Ted Bundy
hows that for a killa computer:sure:
How about…
(yes, this is really a word, look it up if you don’t believe me or my old english teacher)
xero… Im curious as to what you actually built? System specs, and components…?
since you are building it yourself, what about “BoltNeck” …
“mini-me” lol