Yeni question:loadVariables

Yeni wrote on 11-22-2002 03:47 AM:

(1) Thank you for the tips on mouse, I’ve suceeded in converting the flash to a .gif ! So is it possible if you send me the javascipt?

ok. Let me take a look for that. I know it’s pretty easy to find, but I don’t have a copy of it off hand. I’ll look for it today.

(2) Do u have any idea if flash can send and receive variables? Cos i need to call Database using php… and i need to use variables to do that… and my movie is in FLASH…

This is actually a little tricky. You need to use the loadVariables(); method in Flash. it’s syntax is like this.


or you can also use


a target clip is a movie clip instance name. If you do it using that method, the variables that the php script retrieves are placed in that target clip. They can then be accessed in Flash using that clip name as a reference. If you go with the loadVariablesNum method then the variables are all stored in a level. level0 is the root base level of your first swf loaded in the embeded player. (if you don’t know anything about levels in Flash (not layers but levels) just use level0 or use the method that targets a clip.

The loadVariables(); and loadVariablesNum(); methods also send variables. Keep this in mind. If you have a second php script that writes information to a DB, then you still use these methods to contact that script as well.

Loading from DB’s is great. If you need any simple actionscript for setting up arrays based upon tablular information, let me know. I have a couple of good loops.

Thank you so much for yer help!!! ^^

I just tried callin this borderless window using getUrl method,

javascript:openIT(q,w,e,r,t,y), on a button that i created using flash.

It works perfectly but after i click on the button, it DID pop the borderlesswindow BUT! my parent page disappeared! and button became “[object]” !!




I’m not entirely sure what you mean. :slight_smile: Can you explain that in more detail?

Still looking for that javascript code… sorry but the holidays are delaying me to no end on everything. (have to work all this week too. :frowning: )

Chromeless windows don’t work in IE6 SP1. This means that as of IE6 SP1, Chromeless windows are dead. No other browser supported Chromeless windows, so it was only IE, but not it is no longer IE. Chromeless windows will not launch as full screen windows in the new IE, Microbians (the company who made this script) released a patch to this problem by creating a normal old pop-up like what appears in all other browsers, but this patch had a serious bug that caused the windows that contained the link that launched the Chromeless window to become white with the text [object], so they removed the patch.

so you’re saying that there is no solution to that problem?

(thanks for the help beta. :slight_smile: )

Exactly :slight_smile:

And since not even the new IE supports Chromeless windows, there are no browsers around anymore that do.

After the patch was removed Microbians stated that they are unable to find a solution to make chromeless windows work again.

No problem david :slight_smile:

I am the chromless windows expert remember? :beam:


So i can click on a button, A, then retrieve data using php by calling LOADVAROABLE(retrieve.php,x) ?

But what do i put as ‘x’ if i want the data retrieved to be loaded back into a box,B, which i define as a button?

Thanks Alot pal!!!


you cannot load variables into a button in Flash 5.0. You can only target movie clips so therefore you can only load variables into movie clips (or the main timeline).

See also my thread in A/S forum for more detail on the loadVariables(); method. I sent you a note which has a link to that thread.