Yes, ^. I’ve searched the forums and done a bit of reseach and found that of all the hosts I’ve vistsed, Media Temple looks the most professional. However they offer low amounts of space, while many others offer maybe 20 gigs for the same price.
My question is between MT, Dreamhost, eleven2, and Powweb, which one In your opinion is the best bang for the buck. Most offer the same fuctionality, but I just want to make doubly sure. Dreamhost and Powweb offer the most space at 20 gigs at around $8, MT and eleven2 offer packages at 2gigs, and 5gigs are around the same price. Pretty much all of them offer the same plugins and features.
My other question, is how does setting up something like Wordpress work? Powweb supposingly comes with it built-in, but I have no idea otherwise.
What’s your guys opinion?