
I always used the free webspace of my provider but I’m searching for something more advanced. Maby someone can look at this and say if it doesn’t include something important or to expensive.

550 MB Storage
1 Dedicated IP
Multiple Domains (Max 4)
10 GB Transfer /month
Online Control Panel
8 Sub Domains
5 MySQL Database
45 POP3 Accounts
Unlimited E-mail Aliases
Unlimited E-mail Forwarding
Unlimited E-mail Autoresponders
Secure Server (SSL) Availble With Certificate
Alternate 25 MB of Shared Secure Server
Choice of Customisable Web Mail (imp / squirrelmail)
Access to Multiple Mailing List
Frontpage Extensions
Dreamweaver Compatible
Flash & Shockwave
ASP / JSP / Servlets
SSI - Server Side Includes
Custom Error Pages
Site Studio
PhpBB Forum & Other Custom Scripts
Online User Statistics
Raw Access / Referrer Logs
Access to Secure Shell
(Full Use Of IRC / Mail & Other console tools)
Webshell Available
24 / 7 FTP Available
Sub FTP Accounts Available
Access to Crontab
ModThrottle Resource Available
DNS Control Panel For Self Updates
Trouble Ticketing System
Unbeatable Technical Support

Free Setup!
$15 per month
$180 yrly


Sounds good to me =)

Yeah, good offer. I would take it.
I personally share a big webspace with 3 off my friends, so everone get’s more for the same price we would pay when we would have the webspace for every single one. Consider that too…

its good but ipower is much better :slight_smile:

i use , and it is very good !!!

ps. vote for me plz ( see my post on random section)

no i hate tera-byte!@!@!@!@@!@ there bandwidth package is all screwed, i almost lost alot of money with them

Best hosting ever has to be Media temple. use media temple. Might cost a bit more, but very reliable and fast :).

i looked at terra byte, and there plans didn’t look that appealing.:-\

for now i use but i will probably switch once my plan runs out. i need more options (like bandwith and space, and apps like PHP and MySql)

ipowerweb is great… check them out