Yes, I'm asking a *shudder* preloader question

Okay, I’m used to helping people by now, but I’ve got a question. Maybe because it’s too early and I was quite “toasted” last night. Anyway, I’ve got an index.swf that loads movies and has a menu in it. I’ve also got two SWF’s that load for each section in my movie. I want to :

in my index.swf, have a box fly in and cover up the currently loaded movie, unload it, and begin preloading the next movie WITHOUT STARTING IT. Then, upon completion, play the next movie while tweening the box out of view.

I’ll post an FLA if anyone wants to see it. My code is pretty organized. I’m just a little confused on the external preloading.

(note: I don’t need Voetsjoeba’s tutorial link. Although it kicks ***, I don’t want to add much to my current loaded SWF’s.)