I have been searching around for about an hour but have not been able find anything addressing the specifics of my problem. I am using Dreamweaver to build a site for someone and 2 of the images are shifting in both Firefox and Netscape. The page is set up from a template though I am sure it has to do with browser issues rather than Dreamweaver issues. It displays fine in IE, but I always cross check in FF and NS as well. Here is the page: http://www.studio718hair.com/massage.html
And here is my code. I am using tables, but really have been doing this for some time and have never had an image shift problem like this going from one browser to the other. It is usually other problems that come up.
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<p>Massage gives you a roadmap of stress areas in your body. Many times people don't <br />
know how much stress they're carrying until they have a massage; then they're able <br />
to feel it and let go of it. As the massage therapist stretches and loosens muscles and <br />
connective tissues, stress and muscular tension are released. Once you have an <br />
awareness of where stress lodges in your body, you can begin to do something about it. <br />
You start to educate yourself and your body, and you reverse a negative cycle.</p>
<p>Schedule a relaxing massage with Michelle.</p>
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