{yet Another Image Or 2}

haha. here is one from a pic of Jubba.


bored… again

feed back?

Every thing was nice. I would layoff useing the honey combs in your ad one. To many people use them. It looked nice just it is used so much.:slight_smile:

oh i wont ever use that. i was just fooling around with them. i think they are cool. so i wanted to see if i could make one and put some cool blurs and junk on it. but like i said, i was just fooling around on it and that is what i came up with.

Di u see my new grunge from last night?


I still have way more to do. I think in my new portfoilio sectio i’ll have a section just for grunge:)

awesome stuff fellas

i like the two you have alot sintax (specially the first one :P)

Thanks man. That first one was supposed to be a lot more but I couldn’t bring myself to mess her up. I went for a light beutiful touch.

Nice work man.

I really like the first one. Negative or not, that braod is yummy