Yet Another Site Design

Kit hurry up and build it!!! It looks good, definitely reflects your style. =)

vodka and Bickies?

sounds disgusting…

what’s your fav brand?

Ketel One is my norm, Chopin is my fav… gotta love that potato…


nice kit…
really nice…

hurry up and make it…

dont punish us… dont let us wait 2 long… :slight_smile:

we want some results… hehe…
no take your time…

I dunno if you saw the new replies Kit, so I bumped it for you :beam: If you already have then just poke me in the eye with a large wooden spoon ok?

  • Soul :s:

I hadn’t actually seen this, so thanks. :slight_smile:

Right, there’s some very helpful suggestions from people here, so thanks to everyone that commented.

I think what I’ll do is try and draw a manga style picture of me (eep) to put on the side bar, since that seems to be a popular suggestion. :slight_smile: I’ll keep Dante for the time being until I’m done with that drawing. :slight_smile:

Might rework the menu a bit too…

Rev - McVities Chocolate Digestives are the best. And they go surprisingly well with a bottle or two of Smirnoff Ice. :slight_smile: