Yet another walking problem


I’m having a problem with character walking…My character walks and faces in the right direction and all that but when you push an arrowkey the character goes invisible for a second, also when you push 2 keys at once (like left and up or something) the character starts moving that way even though there isnt code for it, and it goes invisible again (if that made sense) anyways, here is the FLA so you can understand what i mean…

Thanks in advance :alien:


I’m at work so I can’t look at the .fla but the best bet I can offer would be that it dissapears cause when you push a button it sends it to the wrong frame, and it move diagnally because you are using seperate if statments for your keys. Figure out an order of priority for which keys you want to have priority over others, and then connect your if statments with else’s.

Instead of telling your other movies to go to a blank frame, use:

_root.two._visible = false; //make it disappear
_root.two._visible = false; //make it reappear

In place of statements like: _root.two.gotoAndStop (1);