Yoast seo plug-in problem

I’m using a WP theme acool and it well configures many plug-ins. But when I install the seo by yoast, my site starts showing blank page. Any ideas on what could be causing this or how I could

You should probably post that on the Yoast discussion page or issue tracker. It may be specific to their particular implementation :slightly_smiling:


I can understand your problem. There could be several things wrong. So please check all of these things:

  1. First, check whether the source of the sitemap shows you the data you would expect in an XML sitemap.

  2. Second, if the sitemap source code contains data, make sure the XSL file, linked in the very top of the XML file, is available. Sometimes this file gets blocked by .ht access prevention of the wp-content directory.

  3. Third, if you’re using W3 Total Cache, and the setting “Do not process 404 errors for static objects with WordPress” is turned on, you should add the following exception:
