Your best photos

I’m sure a lot of us have digital cameras and go around taking pictures. I think it’d be fun to see some of the pictures. So post one or two of your best for the rest of us to see.

I’ll start with this one. A few flowers shot with a macro lens. I’ve done some curves work in Photoshop to simulate cross-processing film (developing film in the wrong developer) and added a border with Auto/FX Photographic Edges.

The title is rather lame, but english isn’t my first language and it’s the best I could come up with. Feel free to come up with a better one. Please :slight_smile:

Well, if I had a digicam, not a regular one, I would post some cool ones. But heck, that is a nice image there, I love the depth!

I think the title is just fine. :wink: Nice pic too.

Lol. It looks like you’re falling…

…right on to the camera

pretty one :thumb:

I seriously doubt I can offer a better one, so I won’t even try.
but here is my livingroom

I posted them on my blog a while back so instead of posting them all again here is the link.

My best photos

btw McGiver your picture is incredible. It is just amazing. How much did you edit it?

That’s one of my more favorites. It was taken inside one of the buildings at MIT. The following are larger versions of the above image, and the outside of the building containing the above roof: (1.4MB) (1.5MB)

(the building having a blue-ish color helped make it one of my favorites also :P)

Kirupa :ub:

I took this at Jackson Hole a while back - shot with film and scanned with my ghetto scanner so the quality isn’t that great…the print looks **** nice though. I haven’t taken any pics with my digi yet that I really like :frowning:

A kinda nice looking boat

your footer is upseting lol

there is just a few of my favorites that i have taken.


I’m not a good photographer. But I try anyway. Sometimes.

Here is the only really good picture I’ve taken, on a vacation to blue mountain

there’s only one i really like:

Wow this is fun, when I get home I will post some of my favorites.

Maybe there should be some kind of Kirupa photo gallery?

right I fixed my footer and added a photo!

life is magic…cute

magic. ok I get it now, I was wondering about that…