[QUOTE=fasterthanlight™;2342178]Also, have you played around with sitecore? you can’t apply your “85-90%” of cms’ being garbage without trying it … [/QUOTE]
I didn’t single sitecore out at all nor did I lump it into that 85-90% OR even that 10-15%. I also said that the ones that [size=10]I[/size] tested, where bad. I was also saying that generalizing a paid CMS == great, is not necessarily true.
I suppose, i still think you overlooked the sarcastic lol at the end of my sentence
hugs simplistik passionately
[QUOTE=fasterthanlight™;2342187]I suppose, i still think you overlooked the sarcastic lol at the end of my sentence
hugs simplistik passionately[/QUOTE]
I’m sure I did, since I just skim posts :P:stare:
My favorite CMS is Notepad!
Sarcasm aside who in their right mind would use notepad now a days. :lol:
I’ve used a few enterprise cms most of them have had horrible UI and are just plain annoying to use. No where near as user friendly as wordpress.
I need to learn movable type one of these days it always looks like such a nice system.
Hahahahaha, notepad FTW
Trust me when I say it was so stupidly expensive that my legs fell off and flew up my ***.
Edit: It hasn’t been implemented yet, but they told me it will run in ASP.NET and you’ll be able to use Office 2007 with it or something. I dunno. It will probably be outdated in 5 years and they’ll never be able to update it because its interface/framework will be so confusing/Office2007 specific.
Stupid school.
I was thinking last night though. The site will only be for the schools. I could make a student community. I started mapping it out and when I’m done thinking of all the cool features I want to implement, I’ll make a mockup, post it, and then you guys can fight over what CMS I should learn.
In the end, I’m gonna go with whatever simp says though. -_-
In the end, I’m gonna go with whatever simp says though. -_-
hahahah, welcome to kirupaforums
It has that output because the admin backend is open to anyone, there for is very open to hacks because you can place live php code on anypage.
MovableType is a great CMS, Wordpress works really well too and neither are limited to blogs
Wordpress and MT are indeed good for use as a content management systems, however it should be noted that they are not content management systems in the true sense of the word. There is a difference.
If you want a real content management system at minimal cost, look at Drupal or Expression Engine.
[QUOTE=ramie;2342264]Wordpress and MT are indeed good for use as a content management systems, however it should be noted that they are not content management systems in the true sense of the word. There is a difference.
If you want a real content management system at minimal cost, look at Drupal or Expression Engine.[/QUOTE]
Very true, I’ve used EE and that’s a good one as well, even just the Core version will work for most people. But yea Drupal is a very nice CMS, I completely forgot about that one.
Though, I still advocate making your own :lol:
It has that output because the admin backend is open to anyone, there for is very open to hacks because you can place live php code on anypage.[/QUOTE]
-1000000000 DKP
IMO, Drupal sucks.
I built a team portal for my company out of Drupal, and i hated it every step of the way.
There is no true way to customize the fashion in which an entry is outputted… well there is, but you gotta dive into the back end and molest it up.
I mean, with wordpress you have full control over the post loop…
Though, I still advocate making your own :lol:[/quote]
Why is that funny? I’ve been thinking about building an incredibly complex online community from scratch.
I think it’d be a good first project with ASP.NET.
Edit: My naiveness knows no bounds.
Really?? how could you judge something by an online demo, go check out Radiant all Frog is a php version of it.
1st The Frog frame work it is written on is compatible with code ignitor. Or with Radiant it is written on Rails.
2nd Try out Radiant, it is the ruby equivalent.
3rd Radiant has to be one of the most innovative CMS’s in a long time.
Really?? how could you judge something by an online demo[/QUOTE]
erm … last i checked … that was the purpose of an online demo, so you can judge it before you use it … i mean … i could be wrong
Hhahah, yea, especially if you just “skimmed” over the demo :lol:
Now now, stop fighting…
Unless you’re gonna do it in jello… in bikinis… on a hot day… when you need sprayed off… because you’re thinking “Dad, I’m feeling murky” and he’s all like “Sounds inferior Tedd-O” but he wouldn’t listen because you’re too busy making eyes… and when you get flustered you strip down to a bikini-er… then you have mud tonsil… and…
I like wordpress. I’m probably one of the dumbest people on here when it comes to this stuff but it still made me feel smart.
WP is great and easy to setup and implement. I love the giant pool of plugins, and cool fun features built into wp.