Your Opinion

I voted that I like it.

I think some of the transitions are very nice… maybe could be a tad bit faster - but still great work :slight_smile:

thanks sureshot. I’ll work on speeding those up.


It’s too dark and it “needs some tuning”, but I voted that I like it too :]

i like it - and voted that way. :slight_smile:

It does need to be cleaned up a bit, but that doesn’t take away
too much from the fact that it’s easy to use and laid out nicely.

In order to speed it up, the best thing to do is increase your
framerate. That alone, at say 30fps or so, would make it both
smoother and quicker in transition.

It is a bit dark, but I like some sites that way. For yours, it has a
Matrix feel to it, so I’ll just ignore that for this site. :wink:

Honestly, I don’t think the colors are bad at all. It does fit the
title of the site pretty well, as you stated in your first thread.

Good job so far.


Serentha, I know you posted this site to get some honest opinions so I’m going to give my honest opinions. I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that it’s great because that will be cheating you out of the chance to improve so here goes…

  1. You obviously have the idea and concept down, the problem is with your designs, they don’t have that professional look.

  2. For example, the text you chose for your menu doesn’t go well with the theme and the rollOver effect on the buttons could be a bit more elaborate than just a green box. If you’re going to go all out on your layout then make it consistent. You have all this interesting stuff going on, but your buttons are so plain.

  3. Also the blue that you have on some of your stuff seems a bit odd since black and green is the primary colors of your layout. I would stick to just green and black to keep things consistent.

Othe than those things, I like your transition effects. Good luck. =)

**thanks for the input EG and Flux.

I’ll get to work on those buttons and concerning the blue…well i used it in that picture so i thought to expand it throughout the site but i’ll be going back to green shades…or maybe some grays. Thanks a lot for the suggestions and I’ll be sure to let you guys know when the improved version 2.0 is up.


i like it

but it needs some bumpage of the fps :wink: