Your opinions? a fishy incident

I’m a great believer in collective logic, so hit me with it.

I stuck some frozen battered fish on a kitchen top and forgot about it for maybe an hour:|

Is it safe to stick back in the freezer then cook well…

or bin it?

I guess the answer is obvious, but I like the “what doesn’t kill you makes you have stomach cramps”:stare:

This is easily the worst question ever asked.

Throw away your sick counter-top semi-firm mostly-rotten fish goo.

unless its completely de-thawed i think you’d be alright… there’s a reason why people freeze stuff… to preserve it Yo!

but fish… hrmmmm…

Can I add that you should NEVER thaw fish at room temperature?

■■■■ it just bought the stuff;P

What temperature should you thaw it at? I never really freeze fish, but just for future reference!

I agree with FTL, as long as its still cold I’m pretty sure your alright.

[QUOTE=Adam14;2345171]Can I add that you should NEVER thaw fish at room temperature?[/QUOTE]
Should never be thawing fish anyway, not fresh fish.

However, that’s completely different than uber preserved Gordon’s battered fish. With that being said, I’d toss that semi-thawed crap out.

  1. set up video camera
  2. eat fish
  3. profit

japanese eat raw fish… sparks shoot from brains

Trust the Gorton’s Fisherman.

Thai eat rotten fish too. Doesn’t mean it won’t **** up your digestive system if you are unused to it.

I love sushi. mmmm

I don’t know if there is an actual temperature - I’m sure there is - but fish, poultry, pork etc. should be thawed either in the fridge or in cold water. Not sure why exactly that is, but I just know that it is.

I thaw chicken and pork out in the kitchen overnight all the time. never had food poisoning from it. People can get too fussy about that kind of thing. For example i know people who keep their ketchup, i’ll say that again, KETCHUP, in the fridge!

I usually dethaw via microwave or room temperature, never had an issue. I never eat fish tho, and chicken I usually dethaw via microwave - I don’t trust letting it sit out.

I agree - and it’s not to say that I haven’t thawed a huge turkey out in the open due to forgetting to take it out in time. But I do keep my ketchup in the fridge…does it not need to be refrigerated after opening?

You do know that dethaw means to freeze right? :lol:

I wondered what moron decided that unthaw, dethaw and thaw all acceptably mean the same thing. “Back in my day” there was only thaw :lol:

And THAT’s a simplistik view on how things should be!

I thaw chicken and pork out in the kitchen overnight all the time. never had food poisoning from it. People can get too fussy about that kind of thing. For example i know people who keep their ketchup, i’ll say that again, KETCHUP, in the fridge!

Ive made a mistake for which I apologize.