Hey guys, I just wanted to know if you guys have sites out there, and how long it took you to make them…
mine’s at http://web.mit.edu/lavaboy/www and it took me about 10 hours total… I’m new at this.
Hey guys, I just wanted to know if you guys have sites out there, and how long it took you to make them…
mine’s at http://web.mit.edu/lavaboy/www and it took me about 10 hours total… I’m new at this.
Those pop up windows suck *** my man
but nice site other than that! hahaha
haha… you’re just jealous you’re not as awesome as me… haha
My site took me 1 week to make and I made it during Christmas break, I was sick at home during that week so I decided to create what is now my site. =)
your site’s pretty sweet electrongeek… I want to learn how to make that screen effect on the image for contact
nice track, nice popups…kind of cool…might want to make them say something more though…
maybe a quirky fact about that portion of the site…going to make a vh1 pop-up video might as well go all out…
yeah… I’ve been wanting to, but I need to post some more content there… I’ve been writing down funny *** things to say though…
yeah, MIT, but taking some time off, working in D.C.
made this page in 17 seconds.
I have no clue how long it took to make mine since I was working on it / updating it on and off.
wow… that’s an AWESOME, AWESOME site… I love 30 60 projections…
by the way, how do you do that? make a guide grid on flash?
*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
**I have no clue how long it took to make mine since I was working on it / updating it on and off.
RenaissanceGirl I really dig your site. Its so well put together, and clean and nice. Smooth transitions. All toghether very nice.
Oh and BTW, I REALLY like that Aaliyah picture you did. She is so rad, and that’s a really well done portrait!
the actual site only took a couple hours, since I cheated and use Generator to display my images (I could use .png or .gif dynamically), and I didn’t have to use MX syntax, which I hadn’t used much at that time. I spent a day or 2 with sketches, colors, and general look & feel (something I can’t rush through).
It’s pretty simple, but that was the object. Let my work do the talking kinda thang…
rev, did you take those pics yourself? where did you take the one of the hanging bridge?
yes, all those pix are all mine…
the bridge is in British Columbia, across a beautiful gorge in the Coniferous Rain Forrest… taken about 1976 or so…
Hey lavaboy,
For me, this site is still not finished. It’s been about 3 years, and there is still work that needs to be done, content added, etc. MIT, really cool - I hope to go there once I finish high school =)
Kirupa :bad:
Every good site is perpetually under construction.
I’ve been working on my site for quite a while. What a pain it is to try and maintain a Flash version and an HTML version. (right now the flash version is incomplete)
Click the website link underneat my post to view my site, or go to the Site Check thread to leave comments on it…
■■■■ kirupa, you’re still in high school?
hey rev, thoes pictures on your web site are really good:nerd:
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