Longest time you have ever spent making a website

Well here is why the question comes up, i am working on my first ever PS or Flash project. I had it basically done and i saved over it, i almost cried… anyway, i started all over again and with a different look (much better).

I basically have been working on my first site (using PS or Flash) ever and its been about 4 months! Its probono and i know the guy so he doesn’t really care about how late it is but it is almost done! I am anxious to see what you guys think of my first complete attempt.

Anyway, how long have u spent on a site?

2 days [noob flasher here :-/ ]

Hmmmmm…thinking…good question. I have sites that I’ve promised to friends that have been in “developement” bursts out laughing for half a year.

yeah what is your time increments? Because I’ve been building my brothers site for like 2 years. Started 2 years ago and touch it every year or so… Someday it will be done.

If you’re talking hours into a project. I’ve invested maybe 400 hours or so into a site.

only once, did I spend so much time I couldn’t count. As an estimate,it was approx 960 total hours over 8 months.

What site was that?

3 years.

ask any of the mods here, they’ll tell you.

You’re a mod… can I ask you? :slight_smile:

lol unflux, can u tell me what site was that?

actually, I can’t say because of non-disclosure agreement. sorry guys. =)

lol :beam:

Thoriphes and I are still working on our site: http://www.flashturbators.com

We started at least 3 years ago. Take my word for it. Flash 5 was being used and it was new at the time.

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my site, still coming soon… lol uhh about 1 -2 years. :lol:

…actually thats pretty sad :frowning:

im with soulty on this one - him and I are tied for most time spent on your own website…as for a client - 8 months now off and on as they decided to supply me the material they wanted on it.

wow. that’s rather speedious.

im going on 3 months now with mine. i’d say about 40% completed.

Ive laid down my fingers for a while in design-developement. I realise I spen more time in Random or Computer forum than Flash related. I catch up on news now and new sites but I spend more time, sitting down and read. I havent started my current site for 7 months now. But time all depends on your skills/experience and the work thats being laid down. Sometimes i dont know if I will ever be proficient in flash, design related, especially with Actionscript. But i dont think I should give up and maybe i havent given enough time for my skills to grow. What are your thoguhts on my statement?

3 months on a site, www.silvershine.biz
never involve a client into design phase!!

now this site has a hell lot of errors and naming convention has gone crazy too…bad links and stuff…gotta reload it…its a freakin 12 mb site.

wow, why so many images?!?!?!

but to keep us on topic, I’ve been trying to get a friend to tell me what he wants to do to finish the site, it’s been only going on for a couple of months though

Dude, me and thoriphes owned up the 2 years. I’ve been working on www.danalu.com V1 since I got the domain at netsol about 4 years ago. Thoriphes is around the same time also because he joined with me about a month or two after I got the domain. As for client sites, longest was 4 months. I don’t have a problem with client sites, I’m just cursed to never finish my own.