Z and Depth (3D)

I was following the 3D tuts here and made my little game with the race cars and tires. I tried added adding trees to the outside but all my depths got screwed up… The trees are in front of the tires, the tires are in front of the car…:(. Plaese Help!

  this.createEmptyMovieClip("theScene", 1);
theScene._x = 150;
theScene._y = 150;
theScene.depth = 1;
focalLength = 300;
cameraView = new Object();
cameraView.x = 0;
cameraView.y = -100;
cameraView.z = 0;
cameraView.velocity = 0;
cameraView.maxVelocity = 150;
objectsInScene = new Array();
placeObjectIn3D = function(obj, x, y, z){
 var scaleRatio = focalLength/(focalLength + z);
 obj._x = x * scaleRatio;
 obj._y = y * scaleRatio;
 obj._xscale = obj._yscale = 100 * scaleRatio;
displayCar = function(){
 var x = this.x - cameraView.x;
 var y = this.y - cameraView.y;
 var z = this.z - cameraView.z;
 if (z < 4000){
  if (z < 0){
   this.z += 3000;
   this.x = 200-Math.random()*400;
   x = this.x - cameraView.x;
  this.z += this.velocity;
  z = this.z - cameraView.z;
 placeObjectIn3D(this, x, y, z);
displayTire = function(){
 var x = this.x - cameraView.x;
 var y = this.y - cameraView.y;
 var z = this.z - cameraView.z;
 if (z < 0){
  this.z += 3000;
  z = this.z - cameraView.z;
 placeObjectIn3D(this, x, y, z);
displayTree = function(){
 var x = this.x - cameraView.x;
 var y = this.y - cameraView.y;
 var z = this.z - cameraView.z;
 if (z < 0){
  this.z += 3000;
  z = this.z - cameraView.z;
 placeObjectIn3D(this, x, y, z);
for (i=0; i<3; i++){
 attachedObj = theScene.attachMovie("car", "car"+i, theScene.depth++);
 attachedObj.x = 200 - Math.random()*400;
 attachedObj.y = 0;
 attachedObj.z = 500+Math.random()*1000;
 attachedObj.velocity = 20 + i*5;
 attachedObj.display = displayCar;
for (i=0; i<20; i++){
 attachedObj = theScene.attachMovie("cone", "cone"+i, theScene.depth++);
 if (i < 10){
  attachedObj.x = -250;
  attachedObj.z = i*300;
  attachedObj.x = 250;
  attachedObj.z = 150+(i-10)*300;
 attachedObj.y = 0;
 attachedObj.display = displayTire;
for (i=0; i<30; i++){
 attachedObj = theScene.attachMovie("tree", "tree"+i, theScene.depth++);
 if (i < 15){
  attachedObj.x = -300;
  attachedObj.z = i*300;
  attachedObj.x = 300;
  attachedObj.z = 150+(i-15)*300;
 attachedObj.y = 0;
 attachedObj.display = displayTree;

drive = function(){
 if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)){ cameraView.velocity *= 1.1;
 cameraView.velocity += 1;
 }else{ cameraView.velocity *= .95;}
 if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) cameraView.velocity -= 2;
 if (cameraView.velocity < 0) cameraView.velocity = 0;
 else if (cameraView.velocity > cameraView.maxVelocity) 
 cameraView.velocity = cameraView.maxVelocity;
 cameraView.z += cameraView.velocity;
 if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) cameraView.x -= cameraView.velocity/5;
 if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) cameraView.x += cameraView.velocity/5;
 if (cameraView.x < -200) cameraView.x = -200;
 else if (cameraView.x > 200) cameraView.x = 200;
 for (var i = 0; i < objectsInScene.length; i++){
theScene.onEnterFrame = drive;

Can you find the error?
Thanks, sorry no fla. My server can’t handle it…

First theScene.depth = 1 shouldn’t be working, and even if it does its pointless… You have to use theScene.swapDepths(1), but theScene is already in depth 1 because you created it there.

The only thing I can see is all the spots where you have theScene.depth++. There is definatley a problem there.

What version of flash are you using?