Happy Birthday Kirupa!

Hey Kirupa, I happened to glance down at the birthday list and noticed your name there.

I just wanted to say…


I don’t know what I would have ever done if it were not for your forum and site. I want to thank you for that, and praise you for your excellent accompliments :slight_smile:

You are now the legal age of 18, wear it proud my good man :slight_smile:

I’m getting a real bad feeling about deja vu right now…


happy birthday… what more can i say…:slight_smile:

Yes, but wait… Phils post was 12-09-2002 03:04 AM, but look at mine :evil:

But your thread says the same exact thing as mine, and you posted it later.

Hmmmm… :stuck_out_tongue: :evil:

I have to agree with Hazelnut…

he is on a dial-up after all…

when I went to the “new view” page, only his thread came up…

I think maybe lost edited the time stamp…



How could I edit the time stamp?

Why are you against me now Rev :frowning:

I don’t know what “mod” powers are bestowed upon such people…


In a pesky mood again…



Well we can’t change what time a post is posted, otherwise Phil would have covered that one in his rip off post.

I knew that Lost…

I was just poking…

Sorry, I know it’s late/early for ya…


Stay out of my thread Phil. You are unwelcome here.

lol you guys are hilarious!! I’ve been to a few other forums, but this is the first time I’ve seen MODs goin at it with each other. :stuck_out_tongue:
This is great stuff, oh please carry on!

I have the .txt file on my computer of the lostinbeta patented smiley party that I use in every post count party and every birthday party thread.

It just so happens you have the exact same one?


Electrongeek, stay here, forget Phil.

He is still unwelcomed here.

And thanks very much for this present that you give us everyday!

Thank you a LOT!


happy b-day kirupa, now off to school!

thanks a bunch man, this forum means a lot to me.

love and respect:


Hey hey everyone,
Thanks for all the nice comments! Having all of you hang around these forums is probably the best present anyone could ever give me.

…finds large trout and slaps Phil for copying lost’s thread. I expected more from a Phil of the Jayhanian tribe (-:

Kirupa :crazy:

I saw 2 threads so I just picked on randomly! :slight_smile:

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1337 and w00t and all that other stuff!!!

Yup Yup! Happy B-Day K-Man!

I hope you have a great birthday man - you deserve only the best! =)

18 huh? My brother is 19 (I think :)) right now. He’s in the military right now so the computer is freeeeeee all the time! i can use it anytime I want!!!
Once again Happy birthday!