10 disc matrix dvd boxset


hmmmmmmm i might get that one… hmmmmmmmmm

Holy Mother of god… I thought the Band Of Brothers box set was big…

me too :cool:

me too…

the next time i’ll win the lottery…

That about sums it up.

shweet… i want it :slight_smile:

A 1-disc matrix dvd boxset containing only the first movie should be enough for every human beings. I’ve just rewatched Reloaded and Revolutions (just to be sure) and the verdict is the same: they suck :to:

:stuck_out_tongue: reloaded is my favorite to watch. The original is “best” only because of its uniqueness and impression it leaves on you after the first time you watch it. You know nothing before the Matrix and then you pretty much get everything handed to you as a slap to the face. What? Our conciousness is being controlled by machines who are secretly using us as a power source? cool. So Reloaded comes and you already know everything (plus there’s a lot less character development for Neo). Nevertheless, the fighting and action is top notch which makes it my favorite to watch :slight_smile:

I must admit that it takes a lot of engagement to fully grasp the movies… a lot more than should be expected of the average and even adept moviegoer - I’m all for these movies and I can’t wait to get my hands on this box-set. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I actually posted how much I hated Reloaded the first 2 times I tried to watch it. Turned it off in the middle of it the first time actually. After I gave in and MADE myself watch it, I have an opinion close to senoculars. It’s very enterrtaining in terms of the fight scenes. The first is definitely a better movie.

I will definitely be getting one of these box sets though. :slight_smile:

too bad only reloaded gets extended :-/

Brainiacs’ Revenge - Scholars, Philosophers, Theorists, and Charlatans deconstruct the intellectual underpinnings of the trilogy

that right there makes it all worth it. that was the problem with the matrix movies - the fact that most of the fan base didn’t know what the wachowski’s were saying.

i’m a huge philosophy nut, and i can disect everything down to the scenes and names (with the help of some other sites granted). the thing is… most people aren’t into that so they don’t see the REAL beauty of the matrixeseses.

take the philosophy that is unrivaled in any other movie EVER, and couple that with some of the best fighting scenes EVER… and i dont see why everyone is complaining… ???

any back up… senocular…? :slight_smile:

OooOoOo I’m so getting that. I wonder when the LOTR set comes out.

I don’t want to be condescendent (???) or anything but this:

most people aren’t into that so they don’t see the REAL beauty of the matrixeseses.

take the philosophy that is unrivaled in any other movie EVER
… I don’t think it’s true. I’ve read lots of analysis on Internet, about how this and that means something. This is not philosophy. It’s philosophy with a hammer, at best, but personaly I think it’s just plain bull****. And if you think that it is unrivaled in any other movie ever, then I guess you need to watch more movies :slight_smile:

Don’t get me wrong, the Matrix Trilogy are philosophical movies, it’s just that the interesting part is not in all the references.

Darn it, I can’t write correctly in English :frowning:

[Edit]But Sen, you’re right, the ***-kicking rocks, but my favorite fight scene remains the one Subway in the first episode.