The revolutions trailer is out. Everybody should check this out even if it isn’t in english yet. (not like you care about the words, just the fights).
[edit]despite being the “international” trailer, it was still english. yay.[/edit]
The revolutions trailer is out. Everybody should check this out even if it isn’t in english yet. (not like you care about the words, just the fights).
[edit]despite being the “international” trailer, it was still english. yay.[/edit]
I’m avoiding all tralers and previews like i did with reloaded. Makes every movie better.
the trailer’s hot. you should check it out b/c it gives away absolutely nothing.
don’t care how much or little it gives away. I refuse to wathc traliers now if i plan on seeing a movie.
oh man not another matrix thread
I aer teh 0ne! :thumb:
ooooh! sexeh trailer!
So that’s what you were really up to those 4 weeks you were away…
leave it!
Sorry, you should know by now that I can’t leave that alone.
you just can’t put me down
(p.s. why is it that you dont look like you in any of your photos? :P)
sintax, you now you’re missing something - we don’t want you to be left behind.
:casts a spell to force sintax to click on the trailer d/l:
*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**I’m avoiding all tralers and previews like i did with reloaded. Makes every movie better. **
Yeah, well after the second episode, it would take more than not watching the trailer to make it good cancel that to make it acceptable :-\
i saw it when reloaded came out it was after the credits and what not, really good.
[edit] i just rewatched it and wow! its so elegant. i cant wait till the movie now…that was so beautiful…[/edit]
they released one with new stuff in it mdipi gogogo
i rewatched it prstudio w00t. see my edit? its amazing…
why am i not even remotely excited about this movie?
oh yeah! because reloaded was absolutely retarded.
reloaded was good but not as good as the first, but this one, this one looks like a winner for me :thumb:
It was the second installment of a trilogy. Use your ****ing brain. Of course it’s going to be somewhat of a let-down. There’s relatively no new material, and no climax. That’s by default. You can really say what you want, but I really think people expected too much just because most other movies that came out in the mean time ****ing blew.
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