Matrix Reloaded - Revolutions

Oh My GOD.
I’ll set the scene.

It was super bowl sunday. I was watching the beginning of the game. and thank god it was at the start, cause I got bored of that crap game half way through. (when shania was dressed like a slut and lip synching).


matrix theme
and the trailer comes on. The most amazing thing I’ve seen since the theatrical trailer for the two towers came out.

if you didn’t see it, go to and click on the ‘Superbowl Trailer’ link down in the bottom left.
It’ll be worth your while… unless you hate the matrix. and me. and everyone I know and everything I believe in.

…that should guilt you.

Yeah I saw the preview for it too and it was amazing not like the commercials. :smirk:

Is it only me that it isn’t loading for right now?!/



it was working for me not too long ago
I’ll check when I get my fried outta the oven.
runs back to the kitchen

*Originally posted by playamarz *
**Is it only me that it isn’t loading for right now?!/



make sure you have the quicktime player =)

ohhhhh I can’t wait. My g/f is just as excited as I am. :slight_smile:

very cool! thanks for the link =)

Are both sequals comeing out at the same time like they planed or did that idea go out the window?

edit: Guess we will have to wait a couple of months in between:angry:

yea, i saw it. it looks awesome
i didnt see the first matrix till like 3 years after it came out, cause i didnt get the hype… but now that i saw it, i cant wait for the other ones.

the first one is in may (or march, i cant remmber) and the other one is november or early 2004, again, cant remember.


yeah the matrix reloaded and revolations look pretty tight, but what really dropped my jaw was the preview for the hulk. this looks like it will be a movie that is done right.

Ya there is a lot of good stuff coming out his year. I’m not getting my hopes up though that way it will really blow me away.

May and November for Matrices…

i seen this way awsome matrix preview scroll down to view it



Im looking forward to the new Matracies, but Im worried that it wont be as good. im more for originals, sequels sometimes screw things up… we’ll see.

Well of course.

Even is the next matrices (hahaha) are good, they can’t beat the first for without the first they would not exist.

The first one flat out rocked, and the 2nd and 3rd ones look great to, but we won’t know until we see them :wink:


They’ll be good. I’m CERTAIN of it.

everyone gets a free ‘Knock out Ais and put him in the hospital’ coupon if they suck!

[SIZE=1]if they suck I’m running away. screw you![/SIZE]