Hey all.
I’ve been trying to do this for awhile, and I’ve read the boards. I’ve seen a few options as to how to do this, but some of them do not explain how the css/js etc work, and I just don’t understand that stuff enough to go it alone.
What I’m trying to do : Create a flash site that only ‘downsizes’ when the browser is too small to view it. I don’t want it to upscale/upsize.
For example. The movie is 1000 x 800 . If a viewer has a viewable area that is less than 1000x800 the movie will scale [ the way it does when published at 100% ]. BUT if the viewer say has a 23’ cinema screen, the movie will not get bigger than 1000x800.
I know there has got to be a way, but I have searched all flash boards and still cannot find the solution.
Thanks soooo much!
- MD