16,000 members on Kirupa!

whoops, I was just too lazy to look

Just like I missed dling the 100 millionth song on iTunes, and to think , I could have had a nice new Powerbook and iPod.

mdipi - I sent out an e-mail for the short lived K2 thing to all the members. That didn’t work all that well :stuck_out_tongue:

I think many members sign up hoping to get spammed by the mods or I with weekly tips or something in their mailbox hehe.

EDIT: 200 members online at any given time today.

so - when’s K3 going out ? Looking for some hot stuff ?

And btw once again congrats kirupa. Must be rewarding to see such a thriving community - started by one :ub: unibrowed man… :trout:

haha thanks - what will I ever do without the unibrow…the one which I supposedly had all these years :stuck_out_tongue:

There probably won’t be another K2 article thing. It took too much time away from things that really needed to be done such as writing tutorials or something :slight_smile:

Congratz kirupa!!! :slight_smile:


Thats our boy!

Ah i see kirupa, yeah - that was a good read though :wink:

There are a lot of people who only post in the flash forums or what not - not everyone posts here in the Talk forums dont forget :smiley:

I would like to see us start to get a lot more consistant posters (as well as see Flex come back for a visit), I think we have a great community so far, and we are going to just continue to grow!

Vaelu? :h:

Also, keep in mind that some people register and post only once because they had a question about Flash and not to become full time members.

good job kirupa. every member counts:) even me!