my personal site.
first time letting any of you kirupian’s seeing it.
be nice, it’s a personal site. :cowboy:
Not bad, simple, clean and well layed out. The only thing that bothered me was that some of the section were a bit too long since I’m not too fond of long scrolling pages, but that’s just me.
Overall I like it, good job. =)
thanks eg.
i forgot the foto section, dammit.
I want to see more of that chick… (-: Hook me up with some more pics man !!!
embarassed to say, but i got it from Abercrombie &
Opening new browser window…
i’ve got to agree with electrongeek on this. I’ve got a 19" monitor
@ 1280x1024 and i had to scroll over 3x the viewing size to reach
the bottom. That’s just umm…waaaaaaay too long.
as far as the AF image, that’s a huge no-no for copyright. I’d be
very, very careful with what images you choose to use. Especially
if they aren’t licensed by you.
Overall, I do like the colors and the feel. The layout is nice, but
like I said, a bit to scrolly.
you mean just on the first page?
thats because i post so often, that it doesnt start pruning the messages… i guess i could change that… i dont see a problem with it.
and i dont care about copyright. im not selling anything, so a and f can kiss my shiny metal @$$.
:evil: thanks tho.
well copyright is a huge issue right now, and all it takes is 1 email
from someone off of one these boards and bam! you got yourself
a nice, hardcore letter from their legal department and threats to
sue and take you to court for violating copyright infringement.
Which is, btw, a federal offense.
But hey, what do i know? I don’t do this for a living or anything.
Doesn’t sound to me like you’d change anything about your site
no matter what anyone suggested.
Nice post.
sorry if im giving you a hard time, i dont take critisim well…
but the layout probably wont stay up long anyways, i change it almost everyday…haha
sorry if i was bein an
^-- I agree 100% with the copywrite thing.
I know I wouldn’t want someone taking my stuff and using it as their own.
Nice layout, I am on an 800x600 so it is really scrolly…LOL.
check if its not so scrolly anymore.
Much less.
you should make it stretch all the way to the right. other than that its cool. I was kinda waiting for her to move her hands. heehee. oh wait the scroll thing…I agree
*Originally posted by redViper *
**check if its not so scrolly anymore. **
much better.
year much better, it doesn’t take 38947023784032878 yrs to scroll to the bottom no more…ahhaha =)
Hey Viper
Neat !!!
hey but for the links, we have to scroll down … Well may be the design goes well with it too . but it would be better if we didnt have to find it… .u know…
Ne ways really nice layout though… Cheers …
Nb: Oh I see EG has suggested something similar…