Im abck again ! site check please

sup sup fellas

this site is still not 100% complete cause the client still has to provide company info, artists bios etc. But for now on my part its done. it could have been made soooo much better but the time i had was one week(week and a half) to complete plus they kept wanting me to take shortcuts etc.

anyways lemme know what yall think. nothing crazy but hey…it works


heres the link


P.S. will i get better revies if i say its my first site lol:bandit:

I like the site. Try adding some transition effects though also try adding some more advanced rollover effects.


to much loading time for that stuff…

is a very clean design… but need to work it a lil more…

the pics are cool…

sup with the drawed face… looks weird :slight_smile:

the transitions are cool, but when you click a button, half the pic pops up and then it zooms over to reveal the rest. i think maybe the moving mask effect thingy should be extended over the whole pic