hey all
i posted my site b4 but it was only 3/4 done. i kinda have a feeling this one is done .
i added some scripts to the index and stuff
pls have a look and give comments thanx
thanx again
hey all
i posted my site b4 but it was only 3/4 done. i kinda have a feeling this one is done .
i added some scripts to the index and stuff
pls have a look and give comments thanx
thanx again
It took wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long to load here, but the site itself is great! I love the spraypaint cans! Also, I felt like stealing your disclaimer:
every **** thing u see here is copyright to naresh kumar 2003 so do not steal it or i will SMOKE you!
thanx for the kind words. lol i liek my disclaimer too. and also would appreacite it if anyone visiting the site would sign the guesbook if u deem it worth it thanx
and btw did the index page take long to load or the main site thanx :bounce:
The main site took awhile. The index was fine. One suggestion: you may want to say that the flash player is required with an image or static text for those poor souls that don’t have the flash player
yeah, no point having a splash page made out of flash.
unless you’ve got a detection script?
ok no more flash on the splash . have a lookie now and give ur comments. thanx
The entire box on your splash page should be clickable… I know if you click on the Enter part that is loads the site, but why not make the entire image clickable??
I love the audio loop in the background… It sounds tight, did you make it?
Overall, nice site.
I like the concept, but the overall site seems a bit too plain. I was hoping to see somethng more like www.123klan.com
I’m not saying you should copy it exactly, but make it more urban looking so that it matches thats spray can concept you have.
Majeye, that loop is a sample from DJ Qwik’s song called “Put it on me”
the box there is actually draggable. but i kinda think its not really obvious. i guess i will make the whole box clickable later. its 5 am here and i am gonna hit the snooze machine. yeah and i kinda am aiming for that urban look .is my 1st flash site so started with something simple . thanx alot for the comments. :block: :block:
O I C… i like the draggable effect… :thumb:
thanks EG…
Really small detail:
If you make the loading bar “fill” transparent the whole 3D cude effect would be more trippy hehe.
Also the shaking cans look a lil’ pixelated - maybe its just me.
Site looks good!
Marcellinus :asian:
thanx for the kind words. :asian: I:-) :run:
I really like this site and considering its your first flash site I think you’ve done really well. I love the spray cans idea and for once I quite enjoyed the music and sound effects on the portfolio windows (although I think you should put in a loading bar for your work so people know how long they have to wait).
Staying with the portfolio part a small thumbnail of the images would be nice instead of the grey squares and the choice to view the images a bit bigger would be nice. I have to agree with electrongeek about creating a more urban design.
Keep smokin’
You might want to check your loop, because it doesn’t loop!
how much was your domain name? and whered you buy it?
also nice preloader Could you show me a how to? I like your Cube idea
hey all thanx again for all the comments really appreaciate it. yeah i know about the loop but i just took it from the loop section @ flashkit and know not much on how to perfect it.
also for the preloaded its a preloaded component taken from http://www.romiglia.com/ its a cool site. and i just too the bars and placed them into a cube.
and for the domain its was from a loacal co. i am paying 10usd annually for the domain name . thanx again
oh thats awesome -
very nice…interactive, clean and organized, and especially I love the way you started the music! it gives me that shake in my stomach nice fonts…not really into colors, good stuff!
It would be cool if those options like - file - edit - actually works
well all thanx alot for the kind words. really appreacite it helped me alot . and my site got featured as site of the day at designer depot. dunt know a bout u guys but its a big thing for me to get my 1st site featured. thanx to sushis for pointing out to have a non flash splash ,
Hey I really like your site, however some of the content cant be read at the bottom, i had to drag my little windows bar thingy (whatever is it called…??) of my screen…
good work…
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