i just made my 1st 100% full flash site. its really basic (as u can see) and i need suggestions to fix it up and stuff like that. (possibly also how to do it)
:thumb: thanx!
i just made my 1st 100% full flash site. its really basic (as u can see) and i need suggestions to fix it up and stuff like that. (possibly also how to do it)
:thumb: thanx!
shouldnt this be in site check? and btw the page was not available
…Yes, it should.
And I couldn’t see the movie either. :-\
first off, get rid of the freakin text. its like size 20 font!!! and i cant really see an evidence of a design or color scheme, no sound or music, and not really any good content. sorry man, but i give it a 1 or less out of 5
strongbad 404’eeeeeeed
its a broken link, because it has http:// in front of it. geocities is gay and wont display the page. so with the url typer dealy, get rid of the http://.
first off, get rid of the freakin text. its like size 20 font!!! and i cant really see an evidence of a design or color scheme, no sound or music, and not really any good content. sorry man, but i give it a 1 or less out of 5
1st 100% full flash site 1st 1st! 1st = not very good!
mmh :-/
make the pixel font look crisp and change that blue color it’s too bright, too blue.
Why do your buttons make the swf become white each time you click on them ?
ANd what’s the point of having a clock since everybody has one on the bottom right handside of their screen ?
'Nyway at least you’ve go a flash website, and I know it will improve (your footer is really cool btw- but what the hell is jazs?)
:mlk goes back to his computer to do his first flash website:
also, you need to embed that movie in an html page. at the moment it will re-size according to the size of the users brower window. it needs a lot of work
I got a 404 error:(
take out the ‘http://’ from the address bar and press enter. Should work
maybe speed up the bar sliding in and ad some special effects maybe a motion blur or something and some rollover effects to the buttons as well. Maybe some transitions and you will have a good “first site”.
this isnt really a designers type of site. But, You will improve and get better, so dont quit, keep at it until you get better. Everyone starts some where.
Hope this helps
Whoops, I deleted home.swf and it took me to your server. Sorry I didn’t mean to. I access to moe.jpg…LMAO!!! And orby.swf and all that other stuff. I thought you said you had no experiments.
oh yeah… lol, geocities.com/k3mical11/ is all my stuff. like experiments and that kinda thing. ill update the site for today. thanx for all ur help and also. how do u make transactions. and how do i make it a popup window, and get rid of that stupid white “waiting” screen when u load a new page.??
I don’t understand why a white screen appears when you click on a link for a few seconds… part of the beauty of flash is that the “reloading white flicker” never occurs. Its a big plus for dialup users like me.
So… a more streamlined transition into your various pages would really integrate the site better.
Not bad for 13
maybe a speedier frame rate would look good. Try to add some photoshop graphics or something, it’s a bit bland.
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