2 question on playing sounds

i have 4 tracks and i load them in 4 external swf, can i create a volume slider on this tracks?

As for the other question, I have created a jukebox in my main movie with the use of loading sounds via actionscript, I have 5 buttons, 1 2 3 4 and off the problem is that when i pressed button 1 the music plays but when i press it again the music plays again making the an overlap with the same music, how can i solve this probs, i tried looking on the tutorials here and in flashkit but i can’t seem to find one.

second question :: are you loading the external movie clips to targets or levels, well either way whatever is in the level or target should be replaced by whatever else is selected in its place. SAy if you had sound 1 loaded into Level1 in flash , when you select sound1 button again, it will tell it to load sound1.swf, replacing whatever is in the level1 even if it is the same swf

no i didn’t use external swf in my 2nd question, i did it via attachsound, i want it to that when song no1 is playing, whenever i pressed another button e.g. button for song no.2 song 1 will stop and song 2 will play,and if i pushed button 2 nothing should happen coz its already playing. i can’t figure out how to make it happen, pls. help

search the forums for attachsound.