so i’m trying to rar my sound library that is about 6 gigs, this way i can burn it onto some disks.
obviously 6 gigs wont fit on a disk, so i tell winrar to split up the archive into bits of 700mb. apparently, you need to type the “mb” and not just 700, because the program thinks its just 700 b i guess.
all i know is 30 seconds into it i had 20,957 litte rar files on my desktop. thank god i aborted mission.
here is a picture so you can all laugh at my blunder…
I never download anything, copy anything or put anything on my desktop! Desktop is the place for shortcuts!
lol thats awesome… not as good as gluing yourself to your computer (while naked) but awesome nonetheless…
very nice :thumb:
good call on that abort
*Originally posted by Jubba *
**lol thats awesome… not as good as gluing yourself to your computer (while naked) but awesome nonetheless… **
much agreed
hahah that is funny
I use my desktop for everything I download - if I Dont, chances are I would forget I even got it! I have to keep my desktop very clean so if there is a new icon on there, I notice - it’s kind of like reminding myself.
Very good Red… that’s a great pic
thats a riot
I have a folder in C: called “downloads” and in there are folders 'programs, ‘half-life’, ‘sys’, etc!
Hahaha I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t done that before
- Soul :s:
yeah i got a folder on my d top called website, in that there is artwork, flash, code, downloads, and i just dump the dls in there.
For some reason i delete my cookies manualy. Once there was about a thousand or so. I opened the cookies folder, went edit select all and instead of hitting the delete key i hit enter and then spent the next 1/2 hour closing 1000 .txt files.
I hate when that happens.
you could simply reboot your machine…
save you time anyway…
I did something similar with PDF files… and crashed. So yeah, that whole rebooting thing works wonders
lol good job
Hehehe, thats funny
When I was younger, with our old b/w Dos PC I deleted the autoexec.bat file and config.sys file because I didn’t know what they were, and they were making a mess of the prompt… Needless to say my dad was a bit annoyed with me! After that he backed each of them up in 3 seperate places so he wouldn’t have to write them out again!