i am having serious computer issues. i was up last night till 7:30 am trying to fix thsi dam thing, i dunno whats wrong. please help me…
i just got a new computer, and have been compressing all my stuff from the old one into rars, burning it on backup disks, and moving it to the new one.
in order to stay organized, i put my stuff in several folders on the old one and decided to just archive the whole folders (ex. flash, images, programs)
this is fine, only, some fo the folders were larger then 700m, so i split them up into volumes using winRAR’s volume feature.
i tried to then unzip them onto the new computer from the disk, which it does fine. but then, i cant get INTO the folder, it says Access Denied. I also cant DELETE the folder. once again, access denied. i get that error like if you try to rename or delete something when the file is open.
so i tried making sure no pther proggys were open that could be using it.
i tried shutting off most of the services in task manager in case one of them was using it.
i tried rebooting.
i tried going in from “Administrator” account and deleting them.
i tried going into safemode and deleting them.
i tried renaming them.
i tried rebooting again.
basically, i cant think of anything else. now i have a poopload of stuff that i NEED off my new computer, and i cant do it. i cant do anything else till i switch data so basically, im a day behind in work and im screwed. everyone says to reformat, but there has GOT to be a better way.
just a note: i tried my other, non-split vollume rars, and they work just fine. its only the split volume ones that killed my new puter.
please, please, please, you guys are geniouses on here. some1 please knwo what to do.
thanks guys.