2000th Post! Yay!

wow the big 2000th post is here for me. It seemed like just yesterday that I just joined, the post has sure went by fast thanks to those spamming sprees this past month. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would like to thank everyone for making this place my 2nd home, it has been a pleasure to spam with all of you guys. =)

Now that I’m a step closer to Lost’s post count, I look at his post count and realize that I’m still 7 more steps away. :-\

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats EG! =)

now, go clean yer room!!

You bastard. . . .errrr I mean congrats!



WOw, congratulations electron =) That is quite an amazing feat in such a short time. Thanks for all the help (and spam) that you have provided in the 2000 posts :bounce:

Kirupa :eye:

haha congrats.

hey u forgot. half of you post are spamming and the other half is cracking jokes about me. haha its all good:beam:

I helped out about 10 people and the rest is spam and making fun of Alex. =)

[SIZE=1]pssst…Dan smokes butt crack…teehee [/SIZE] :stuck_out_tongue:

Am I the only one with about a 70% non-Spam ration here? Jeez… hehe…

No really… Good job… I stopped answering every post in Random and I’ve been at 500 at what seems forever…


well… welcome back to random:beam: long time no post:beam:

[size=1]dan l3itch slaps electrongeek and then breaks his spamular fingulers

eat that![/size]

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s gotta put a hamperring on one’s spamming skills :slight_smile:

Electron: we joined almost the same day (I think) and Im still working on 200 lol :love:

[SIZE=7]Congratulations electrongeek ![/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]© electrongeek[/SIZE]


You’re twice the man I am … posting-wise :wink:

lol, sen used my patented big font against me. =)

Congrats EG… I am proud of you :slight_smile:

I still have more spam though :flower:

heh, me and you (eg) reached 1000 at about same time…now your way ahead :frowning: :angry:

anyways…CONGRATS!!! :beam:

THATS surprising!


what??? sen you must start to make sense every now and then it does wonders!!! :beard: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: =)



yea, actually about a week ago me and eg were at about 1700…

Thanks everyone…Mak you keep that close of a tally on posts? =)

maybe its just that electrongeek makes more sensible posts than you mak, because it seems everytime I turn my head, you’ve posted some more caziness that I read and laugh at… and laugh with. Good times, but I guess not as many as elec there :wink: