hey everybody, this is my 200th post - i know pretty lame, but everybody else celebrates every 5 or something…
mario - i think that is a good thing for you, because the majority of your posts are useful and insightful and such. the complete opposite of people like myself.
congratulations on not bein a spam freak!
thanks man!
whoa - hey everybody this is my 201st post! yeeeeaaaahhh!
28 - thanks, but i am getting ‘spammy’…
phil - no probs!
Good work Mario… Fellow gamecube geek!
thank sure!
whoa - 206th post - this is getting crazy!
208th… z z z z z
I take back my “your not a spammer” post…
tisk tisk
*Originally posted by mariofan *
**hey everybody, this is my 200th post - i know pretty lame, but everybody else celebrates every 5 or something…
sorry i missed it. Congrats on the big 200. and thanks for the smilies!
congrats on 200! It was a huge # for me as well.
congrats mariofan!! Where’s your speech!?!?
sorry eg, but im so exited (210 post now!) i wont be able to talk straight!
now where’s my smilie?
soon eilsoe i promise - been busy!
hehe… I can’t wait…
Congaratuslations man! =)
two hundred and twenty five and still rising like my grannies cakes…
cough, spam, cough
i think im coming down with a case of the spam…
whoa! 231posts…