hmm… nice post but no.
I want to see all your sources.
- Colin Powell’s presentation at the UN in February 2003 proved that Iraq was deceiving UN inspectors. What is there to hide?
It didnt prove anything! The evidence looked like place mats. It wasnt remotley convicing. Colin Powell took the evidence composed from decades of US looking down Iraq and gave us nothing.
The intelligence of the Communities didn’t agree, especaily France, Germany and Russia. If they agreed they would have supported the war. The didn’t agree because there was no proof. None! There was a ALOT of speculation, tons of speculation, but nothing concrete.
The US, strongest Power in the world, stronges military, best intelligence, technology that makes the rest of the world look like stone men. For a decade has control around a backwards country under sanctions, daily reconaisance planes, weapon inspectors, enough satelites to walk across iraq comes up with evidence that is not even remotley convicing, (personaly I love the one with the two Iraqis talking about “the thing”)
There was no proof contecting Saddam to sep 11. From the Gulf War 1 experiece everyone knew you couldn’t trust Iraq conffession because they always said what we wanted to hear. Now suddenly these experts pop-out of nowhere, and suddenly now that we are there we don’t hear from them because we are not finding weapons. Coicidence? No!
- Much of the suspected WMDs can fit in a package the size of a palm of a hand. Together, almost all of the WMDs could fit in a two-car parking garage. Why do people expect us to find such items already? Saddam has had 12 years to make programs to deceive Western intelligence, and 4 years to do so without ANY Western interference. And only recently, Coalition forces found fighter jets under the desert sand. If we just recently found huge fighter jets, how can people complain we haven’t found WMD yet?
No, the WMD’s are NOT that small, I don’t know where you get this information. For Chemical weapons you need large amounts to desperce over vast areas because they are so ineffective. Or you need them within conventional munition like mortar rounds, or arty shells. Other WMD’s like nuclear weapons need huge containment chambers to work with, unless of course its a aready pre-made tactical nuclear weapons but those not even the phony experts even said he could make. And what about the chemical labs? All those mythical labs that roam Iraq? Poof just disapeared in the face of the worlds biggest Blizkreig?
And now that we are there OVER a year, we find NOTHING. Even old supporters of the war are swithching stands and arguing for the war for other reasons. There is no weapons, all the intelligence we had we found were CHICKEN FARMS, Aspirin factories, nothing to do with weapons.
And Why didn’t the UN weapon inspectors said there was no weapons! The people on the ground doing the research said that there was no weapons. Right we can all speculate and say the didn’t get access to anything, but they are not stupid! They could have said that they didn’t have enough evidence to make a decision they could have said that their visits were restricted so there could be weapons, they could have said that, but NO they said there was no weapons!
It is obvious that weapons would be hidden in the Sunni triangle, the most loyal area to the regime. Today, this area is still not pacified to the extent that would allow a full-fledged search in civilian homes and such. Without the most suspect area fully pacified, why are people jumping to the conclusion that WMDs are a lie?
Thats a journalist generated falacy, Sunni triangle is also the place where most of the attempted coups again Saddam also orginiated!! The Sunni’s were fighting Saddam more that any other group.
And last of all, if Saddam and now the Insurgents have or Had WMD’s… why didn’t they use them yet?