I agree with Jubba regarding some of the choices. I don’t think anybody would be able to win against George Bush from what I have seen about these candidates, but Kerry, Lieberman, and Dean have a good shot.
Kerry is an army veteran, and he is also quite an experienced Senator. Making a brief cameo in Cheers a long time ago doesn’t hurt either
He is quite aligned to the left, but that will appeal to the left-leaning voters during the early Democratic nominations.
Lieberman has the name recognition going for him. He is fairly moderate, and that would appeal to the majority of the people. He was very much for the current ME peace process, and the temporarily cooldown in tensions between Israelis and Palestinians would play in his favor as well as George Bush.
Sharpton - not a chance. He is a charismatic individual, and if he chooses to run as a 3rd party candidate after his defeat in the primaries, he will successfully siphon of Democratic votes for himself.
Howard Dean - has some sound policies, but his sound policies are on topics that would bore most people. He may very well be a good contender. He strongly believes in his views, and this is commendable. His policies sound good when spoken, but he can’t have his way with healthcare, lower taxes, and try to have a balanced budget. It won’t work the way he is envisioning.
John Edwards - nope; why would they vote for him when more experienced Senators such as Kerry and Lieberman are in the mix. This is a Presidential election after all.
Fern Penna - never heard of him, and I don’t really feel like reading about him.
Richard Gephardt - not charismatic enough; just another Democrat who lost his leadership role in Congress.
Bob Graham - there needs to be some better argument than “Bush is bad.” I don’t see him sticking around till the primaries.
Dennis J. Kucinich - never heard of him.
Lyndon LaRouche - never heard of him either.
Carol Moseley Braun - not popular enough among the moderates to get a lot of support.
Mickey Mouse - definitely; it would help bring diversity to the White House =)
I am not a political strategist, and these are just my opinions based on what I have heard from hearint MSNBC or Fox News all day in the background. Sharpton may win…who knows 