2004 Election

if he as much as uses a cell phone, his location can be easily confirmed.

It’s not BinLaden himself we should worry about. He can send a note in a camels butt half way across the world with instructions to push a button. His weapons as is his army is invisible. If someone can smuggle 100 kilos of heroin into the us why not a nuke? or Bio weapon? or any other WMD?

So True. I was reading an article by one of the Council on Foreign Relations experts where they say that only about 3% of all incoming cargo on ships is actually checked. Supposedly, about $5 billion a month is all that is needed to help the ports effectively check incoming containers.

EDIT: The number of checked containers is 4-6%: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2002015570_portsecurity26.html

EDIT: The number of checked containers is 4-6%

Well that’s much better than 3% :sure:

The big problem with terrorism is that how do you stop someone from killing innocent people when the terrorist doesn’t care if he/she dies in the process and without taking away everyone’s civil rights? We are spending a lot of money tightning airports and sea ports while millions of people are coming across both borders because we care more about upsetting illegal aliens. Also, lets say we total shut down all entry to the US. The Oklahoma bombing was done with fertalizer in a truck… I think the only way to make us safe is to stop the people training to kill us where they live…

The rest of the world likely doesn’t care if U.S. taxpayers get taxed to hell and back. Those of us who care about finance won’t be voting for Kerry.

They’re both pro-war, Bush just means what he says, while Kerry will say anything you want: http://media1.streamtoyou.com/rnc/RNC082304.wmv

Not to mention a few thousand miles of open borders…

The US Attorney has confirmed that they’ve tracked Arab men travelling into the U.S. from Mexico and assuming Mexican surnames (that is, they’re pretending to be Mexicans)… That, my friends, scares me, because the 11,000,000 illegal mexicans in this country are proof positive that it’s very, very easy to come in via the southern border.

I’d be taking any information coming from the US Attorney (working for the gov’t) with a little caution. Yeah, arab men. There also are Chinese coming from there. Did he mention those? The USA are getting paranoid, and that, my friends, scares me.

As for the money, mmmh, the point of view is different, but assuming that personnal tax cuts (cause this is what it is, each family pays less, generally speaking) are the best solution is not always true. I don’t mind paying more taxes if it makes my country run smoother, with more social benefits to those who cannot afford what I can (did I say “doctor”?). I think Americans are getting too egocentric and greedy (and I’m not being mean, do not assume this is personnal, fellow board-readers).
But you’re right. The rest of the world does not care if Americans pay more or less, but does it always have to be about money? I don’t think so (and I already see you all conservatives pointing out examples of how money runs the world… ha. I guess I’m too :love: for that. )

The USA are getting paranoid, and that, my friends, scares me.

Hey we made it through the cold war without nuking one Russian province. Now the McCarthy Era, THAT was paranoia. I think the US is being assertive. There’s a differnece between watching your back and using that big stick you walk around with than being paranoid. And our borders SHOULD be locked down tight and ALWAYS should have been. Don’t get me wrong, I think you should be able to come and go as you please, but only if we know who you are and you are here leagally. Otherwise isn’t it obvious you’re up to something? That’s not paranoia just plain common sense.

pomme - our tax system over here is way out of whack…you don’t really have a true idea of how it is, i’m not being mean, and we’re not being greedy - just yes, money is a big issue to Americans - mainly because someone in charge is always trying to get more of what we don’t have… the cost of living principle is getting way out of whack over here…

aknatn> so, if you don’t know why I’m here, I’m obviously up to something. huh. yeah right. I’m here to perpetuate the “American Way of Life” (btw, I thought ANYONE in the world was up to SOMETHING… I’m probably wrong…) BTW, knowing what anyone in your boundaries is doing is the plan for ANY country. But for 3000 (any number could do though) years, no one has been able to do so, and I doubt that the US (even with tight borders… hehe, tight… right, how many miles of uncovered boudaries??) could do so either.

pr> indeed, way out of whack… :wink: shouldn’t you rise up to your “someone in charge” instead of accepting what that “someone in charge” wants from you? What I’m saying is: the cost of living in the US is getting way out of hand because someone is pushing for it and NO ONE is going against it. That’s hypercapitalism if you ask me, and it’s a WRONG choice imo.

[edit] pr> I pretty much know how it is… my brother is american and he’s whining about it every once in a while… [/edit]

our president has no real say in those matters tho pomme - everyone is quick to blame the position because it is the only real singular face and name that could possibily explain things - the tax system has been flawed for years - and that flaw is not credited to one person - and it will take more than a “new” president to fix things -

our system of checks and balances works way too well for everything to be the “President’s Fault.”

Bush has been proposing tax cuts for a long time.

Less tax + Less social government = Conservatism/Free Market Capitalism = Bush
More tax + More and more Government Programs = Liberalism/Socialism = Kerry

pr> Fair enough. /me happy to live in France.

disco> Political Maths for dummies?

1002 G.I.s dead in Iraq. Do you think it’ll play a role in the votes?

You think Kerry is for more and more Government Programs, but obviously aren’t paying attention to how many Government Programs are being created under the Bush Regime…

Bush has been proposing tax cuts for a long time.

Bush can propose tax cuts till he’s blue in the face. We need to judge a politician by his actions, not by his words…

our system of checks and balances works way too well for everything to be the “President’s Fault.”

haha, funny… checks and balances are a thing of the past… remember the days when it took an act of congress to declare war on another country?? Now all it takes is one mans determination, a couple false rumors about WMDs and a highly-propogandized public…and bada-bing, bada-boom, you’ve got yourself a full blown nazi-style ‘pre-emptive’ invasion…

[SIZE=1](just to clarify for those who would otherwise misconstrue my words: I dont think all Americans are Nazi’s, and i dont think that Bush is Hitler reincarnate, I am just stating the irrefutable fact that pre-emptive war was a tactic used by Nazi Germany during the lead up to WW2.)[/SIZE]

EDIT: in case any right-leaning vision-impaired amphibian wants to chime in and remind me that Kerry supported giving up congressional power to declare war, i must thank them in advance for illustrating that a Kerry presidency would not be any better than a Bush presidency, as they both share the same agenda of undermining american democracy, and traditional ideals such as checks and balances of power…

My name is Majeye, and I do not endorse Bonesman Bush, or Bonesman Kerry… :mu:

remember the days when it took an act of congress to declare war on another country??
Congress voted to give President Bush the power to go to war with Iraq. Kerry was one of the Senators that voted for that…

1002 G.I.s dead in Iraq. Do you think it’ll play a role in the votes?

It depends on how far the liberal media plays it. The dead should be respected and honored, not paraded about as a political weapon. When we go to war we don’t set aside a number of losses that will claim to be a deterent in that war. I don’t want to sound like uncompassionate but 1002 live lost in a war in still a very small figure. Anyone know how many Iraqis have died, now that must be a truly sad number.

Can we stop this notion of a liberal media already… Its a complete lie…

If the media was really liberally biased, don’t you think they would have atleast mentioned Margie Schroedinger’s case against President Bush?? Not even CNN touched that one…

How many of these supposedly liberaly biased media outlets mention that Bush’s number one capaign contributor for the 2000 election was a now-notorius company named ENRON??

Oh, but they must be liberal, because they never mentioned that ENRON also gave large sums of money to the GORE compain… right??

Here is Another Perspective on the liberal media issue: http://www.anotherperspective.org/advoc140.html

btw, it shouldn’t affect the vote -

I am proud and thankful of those soldier’s contribution, but they did sign up to serve their country and apart of that is laying one’s life down for country. They knew what time it was when they singed up for basic…so yeah I’m tired of hearing that one.

if you think the mainstream media is not liberally biased check this site outhttp://www.thatliberalmedia.com/

[ot] Hey cool another Tool fan, tell 'em how you feel here:
http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68587 [/ot]

Is FOX part of the mainstream media?? Would you say that FOX is liberally biased?? i dont think so…

Certain outlets may lean to one side more than the other, but to paint all mainstream media outlets as having only liberal biases is not accurate… To say that none of them possess any biases is also wrong… But its not an accross the board thing…