28 days later

hey guys id just saw the 28 day later site. very cool !!!
28 later
and I want to know how to make that grunggy layout. and does cool buttons. so if someone knows something please ! :slight_smile:

over-grunged :beam:

wow - good flash and design. im impressed…

yeah i know thats why i want to learn how to make the layout and buttons

uh photoshop? shouldn’t this mainly be in drawing and designs…

well its obious thats made in photoshop.
but id notice the buttons have a combination of ph and flash

yea so you import to flash and do your rollover stuff…??

yeap. so is it a series of pictures just growing ? or is theres something else going on ? AS ?

(hey, does anyone know what the movie is about?)

basically yes snaxs

so is it a series of pictures just growing ? or is theres something else going on ? AS ?

When you rollOver the ‘buy tickets’ button, you can see an oval mask openening up revealing the soundwave looking graphic. That’s how I would do it. There’s no distortion so it’s not an _xscale/_yscale thing.

Coppertop:: I just tried to visit your site - I got a:

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

That sucks!! Who’s hosting that?
And, this should be in design, no? :-\

Hey guys thanks alot.
The movie is about this guy that wakes up in a hospital in Londres. i think., and hes all alone because a virus infected almost all of the population its like a RAGE virus that transforms people into zombies or something like that… so he finds some normal guys bla bla bla… id like it but its more of a Psycological movie.

AH thanks.

Freddy: I am hosted by madsims.net. Great hosting, but I have - out grown it shall we say? If i get my own domain (which I will shortly) then they will give me 2g of bandwidth instead of 250mb, and 500mb of space (as opposed to 100)