1st flash site (V2)

ok everyone, i have fixed alot of the problems that i had on my web site. i added alot of cool new features (atleast i think so:trout: ) and i think that overall it looks really nice. So if you wouldnt mind checking it, and telling me how i can make it beeter, i would appriciate it.




1: Why do the words on the buttons go outside of the button when I rollover them? If you are going to make them move, make them stay inside the buttons. :slight_smile:

  1. Increase the FPS. It looks like you are running 12-16. Try 20-24 and everything should run a bit more smoothly.

3: I saw little puffs of that smoke, and some circles moving around. If they are going to be that light then what’s the point of having them there?

  1. more flash experiments with ACTIONSCRIPTING! ENOUGH OF THE TWEENS!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


one thing that caught my eye: you might want to use a higer res image for the background or (if you dont want a larger image size) blur it so it isnt so pixelated. I think that would make it look more professional. Good job. :slight_smile:


…when a window appears it first fades out and fades back in… why? :wink:

Nice. You’re improving. :slight_smile:

  1. Increase the FPS. It looks like you are running 12-16. Try 20-24 and everything should run a bit more smoothly.

hey jubba, how would i do this. :frowning:

I know you asked Jubba, but I got here first, and I know the answer…

Go to Modify, then select movie. A box should pop up with your size and Frame Rate, which should be set at 12. Just type a number and click OK.:slight_smile:

i couldnt find it that way, so i searched around and i found it. i set it to 17, i thought 20 was a little to fast. lol:beam:

Alex: Most professional movies are made at 24 or higher because it makes them run much more smoothly. However, you will need to make the tweens longer. I suggest that you increase the length of the motion tweens and up the FPS to around 24… 12-17 isn’t going to make much of a difference. :slight_smile:

You are improving, but you still have a long way to go. :slight_smile: Keep it up.

I didnt’ like how the buttons animated in. I would not have them overlay each other when the flay out. Also you logo has a nice frame work but add alittle more to it or just put it to a nicer color. It all is looking like a pretty good start but there still is alot of tweeking to do. Keep at it.:slight_smile:

Thanks for your comments sintax. Im going to fix the buttons soon:)

about the logo, i had to cut it down alot, because it was to processor intensive, so i just took away most of the tweening, I have the real version in my portfolio section.

thanks again :slight_smile:

the links section looks way better now
especially cuz im in there
i like the site, for a first flash site i think its pretty impressive
it looks like ur just puttin everything that looks cool into there and stuff, but after a while youll be all suave and sophistamacated and youll be a billionar
in laments terms

You background image seems a little low quality and pixelated. And I think you might wan’t to change the rollovers a bit. But I really like the improvements you have made and I hink the home page is pretty cool.

hm, contact button doesn’t work then I’m in about me section.

Nice try Alex, but from what that has already been said, you need to spend more time on your work and pay attention to little problems.

How can you not notice that pixelated background? You designs will never look prefessional or clean if you pass an obvious problem like that by.

Even if it’s a big problem or little problem, fix it, be extremely picky with your work and you’ll get better. =)

i know about the background, i started to search for one last night, i didnt have any luck, im going to start searching for one today. and about thoes pesky buttons, im going to resolve that problem today. :slight_smile:

i fixed everthing that needed to be fixed now, finally:):beam:

*Originally posted by Lynx *
**hm, contact button doesn’t work then I’m in about me section. **

i know, im trying to figure out why it wont work, its being really weird right now. :frowning:

ok I know you are improving, but let me comment a bit…as you enter your site, I already sew the begining and navigation on flashkit free download section, not so originall…you have the talent so use it. u wanna look professional use info@yourwww.com as e-mail…put more contact info not just e-mail on such a big panel, ‘‘sitelogo’’ you wanna change that or replace it with real logo…change the fonts… try getting some free fonts, at least they will be better then arial…in portifolio section…pop-ups didnt work for me…but you wanna add small previews of your art, or text links not folders with no name, people likes to know what are they about to see…links section…too much space, you wanna fill that up with other linlks, not just boards, you are designer…and since everything kinda is centered to the left…that all rights reserved should look better on left then center, its breaking the layout…

other then that looks good, I like the beats :slight_smile:

Nice… you changed your buttons. btw i like this http://www.alexsdesigns.net/SiteFiles/untitled129.jpg
and the lightning bolt image