Hiya peoples. Take a look at 2A’s old v3 site. Click Here To View. Ok, click on profile. Look at image I supported for you:
Now, after clicking on the profile, you see the bottom-right hand corner animation? How those spikes come in? I wanna know how thats done. Is it with a shape tween? Plus it’s smooth. Example maybe? Tutorial?
Draw a rectangle. Move the mouse near, you will see an arc or a corner appear next to mouse. Click and drag the borders to achieve the desired shape. Tween this shape with the original rectangle. That’s it.
Here I made a crude example for you…if you have any more questions pm me or post here ;)…(excuse my not so great animating skills :P…well it’s not that bad…:P)
Yea, thanks. I did something like that. But 2A’s one’s is like about 50 times smoother than that. I drool when I look at their old site. Is it maybe because of the cool sounds?
lol no…yeah it’s because of Easing I’m guessing and just practice…(mine was obviously whipped together in like 30 secs even though I did use some easing)