How do you make it do this?! please help!

I was just wonder, I’m kinda good at flash and I was just wonder how this effect is done…the one where it looks like they’ve animated the Vector where a normal square will animate into something different please help me I would like to know how this is done!!!

you mean the loading page where the square becomes 3d? it might be done with swift, or some really good coding :confused: Not really sure

is it just me, or is that site a complete rip-off of (or vice-versa) they’re just so INCREDIBLY similar: the colors, the menus, the pictures.

well lotsa sites are like that now, but i’ve seen even similar ones…

that thing with the morphing animations…I need to know how to do that if anyone knows…and yes it does look like a rip off but if anyone knows how to do it I would be very thankfull

How can i get this key press effect of the character using AS??

mystee… shouldn’t your post be a thread of it’s own?

secondly - can you state your question more clearly… what key press effect?

sorry… I see you did make another post. Interesting effect there.

whoops! sorry…Posted my qn on the wrong thread…=|

is it just me, or is that site a complete rip-off of (or vice-versa) they’re just so INCREDIBLY similar: the colors, the menus, the pictures.

I wish people would stop with the rip-off comments.
People need to realize that design is all about TRENDS and during certain time periods things are going to have many similarities.

Compare it to Art History…there are many different periods throughout the past- impressionist, post-impressionist etc.
and you will find many similiarities in artworks done at the same time.

It is human nature. We find and see things we like and either conciously or subconciously, we copy them.

There is a quote something like, “When people are free to do as they choose, they usually imitate each other.”
I think I made the point anyway.

I am just getting tired of looking through these site reviews and reading about how sites are ripoffs of other sites…

Arick sorry I did not even offer advice to your question
I still am not quite sure which effect you are referring to…

I wish I could tell you but I dont know what its called but since everyone knows about 2advanced it the effect when you click a new link in the main secection after it says “Loading Subcontent” it makes this “Box effect” that morphs kinda…I’ve inclosed a picture with the effect in action…hope that helps

jillymo - sorry to piss you off, just making an observation =P

That looks like it’s done with a shape tween and maybe some masking. It’s pretty simple, great for transitions and looks really cool. That’s why you see it alot in some of the newer web sites.

Hope that helps.

hows does one shape tween?

Here’s how you do it.

  1. make a shape on the stage. (Do NOT make it a symbol otherwise it won’t work)

  2. Make a key frame on your timeline. (The number of frames between your animation is up to you.)

3.On this new keyframe you can do one of 2 things:
>>Drop in a new shape for your original shape to morph into.
>>Select the anchor points of your original shape and move them into the next shpae you desire.
>>>>>ex. if you made a box and you want the right corner to cave in you’d move the right corner toward the center of the box in your new keyframe.

4.Go to your property panel, where it says tween, and select “shape” for your first frame.

  1. Press play and it should animate.

To manually modify your shape tween, so that the points of movement are what you desire rather than what FMX automatically makes for you, go to modify>shape>shape hints.

That should do it.:run:

Jillymo, I know what you mean exactly… you know… Picaso is just a rip off of Matise… what a no talent punk he was. :stuck_out_tongue:

no matter what we all want to believe, everything is a copy of
something else, and has been for years and years. Let’s get over
it, cuz I’m also tired of hearing about it.

Well said jillymo. :wink:

and I don’t see how anyone can say this site is anything like 2a.

To get a better shape tween dont forget to use shape hints! it kinda gives it “hints” to what shape your trying to achieve. :slight_smile:
