2advanced navigation bar

can anyone tell or show me how the navigation bar is created in the superb 2advanced site please?

I also like the slide-in animation that accompanies each button as it’s highlighted.

can anyone help please?

many thanx,


tweens and targeting a movieclip.

thanx for the feedback friend…
however a complete “nebie” like me is gonna find it ■■■■■■ dificult master this result in a very short time…lol.


moles42, a lot of people come here asking how to do an effect on a particular site expecting it to be a piece of cake. Some of these effects are pretty easy if you’ve played around with flash. The stuff on 2advanced is a bunch of tweens, just play around in flash and try to duplicate the effect the best you can. If you get stuck then post here and we’ll help you.


use that to target the movieclips. Everything else is just alpha tweens.

oh and to use the correct syntax do this:

where it says


do this instead


its the updated Flash5/MX syntax.

Many thanx guys for the feedback…
appreciate all the help you offer here.

apologies if I stepped on anyone’s toes here.


no need for apologies Mike, we just want you to experiment on your own first before asking questions here. You’ll learn a great deal more if you experiment. =)

Yeah like EGeek said. We like to encourage people to experiment on their own before we just supply the answers. I personally will never just give people code unless I have an absolutely good reason for it. I hate it when people just supply code because that does not teach you anything but how to copy and paste. As a newer member here I would like to advise you to do a search of the forums whenever you have a question, because chances are the question that you are about to ask has already been answered a million times before. But if you can’t find your answer we will be more than happy to help.

Experiment and have fun. :slight_smile:

Where MovieClip = the name of the movie symbol or the name of an external .swf?

When did MM do this (and why)? I’ve been out of the loop a while.


t2d: not sure exactly what your question is. But ‘MovieClip’ is just whatever the instance name of the movie clip you’re targetting is. the new syntax is just more efficient then tell target.