2D Animation Battle [Join! - After Effects]


[size=4]Digital Animation Battle: Animate Kirupa.com - Shocked Flash Resource”[/size]
Battle results - Vote Here: http://www.kirupa.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1634447#post1634447

[COLOR=Red]Battle Closed ! Join in on the next one ![/color]
Video Format Restrictions: None
Video Format Type: Quicktime, Real Media, Divx, whichever suits you (no obscure codecs though)
**Video File Size: ** 3 megabytes maximum
**Software: ** whichever you prefer, use After Effects, Flash, 3D Apps, integrate it with After Effects or your favorite compositing application.
Other: Display at least 1 frame of your animation when posting the link

Details: I think a little while ago we held the ‘username’ after effects battle, and a few people participated. I propose to do it again, this time using something we’re all familiar with: “Kirupa - Shocked Flash Resource”. You’re free to do whatever you want (change words if you think something fits ‘Kirupa.com’ more). There is no image size restriction nor time restriction, though you must make sure your final video is under 3 megabytes. A 200x200 10 second video might be nice for example, whatever you feel is best.
If you have any questions/advice/requests, feel free to post.
The due date is far because I know not that many people know AE or compositing that well but it’d be a nice time to try !

If you don’t have web space to put your files (the image preview and animation), mail it to me at mlkdesign @t gmail d0t c0m and I while host it temporarily for you.

I will post resources/tuts/example animation for you later on,

Cheers !

Matt :ko:[/COLOR]

5 min example: http://www.mlkdesign.online.fr/files/kirupa/kirupamov.mov (500kb)