Animate a symbol/logo [Join! After Effects]


[size=4]Motion graphics Battle: Animate a logo/symbol of your choice[/size]

[size=3]Battle open[/size], join in !
Due date: Feb 30th (heh)
Video dimension restrictions: None
Preferred video format: quicktime (though Real Media, Divx, mpg, avi files are fine)
**Video File Size: ** 4 megabytes maximum (provide a heavier version as well if you wish, this is for low-bandwidth users)
**Software: ** After Effects, Combustion, Flash, 3d packages, Photoshop, anything you want as long as it’s nicely composited.
Other: Post an image (frame) of your composition with the video file

More Details: We had a ‘’ motion graphics battle a while ago and it went along fine so here’s another for you folks !

What I propose is to take any logo/symbol (a flag, company logo, band name (using their typography, application icon etc…) and animate it.
Try to think of the EA Games, DICE, xbox, playstation, intel little animations.

Ideally it should be short, using sound and have a meaning linking it to the actual brand/symbol, but what matters most is that you have fun doing it !

If you have any questions/advice/requests, feel free to post.
I give it a month and a half because I’m sure people (include myself) have a lot of work on their hands.

If you don’t have web space to put your files (the image preview and animation), mail it to me at mlkdesign @t gmail d0t c0m and I while host it temporarily for you.

I will post a sample animation for you later on.

Cheers !


For those of you who’re new to after effects, here are useful links:

I’m aware that most of reference material used will be copyrighted work, but I guess this is fair use as we’re not making profit out of it. Right ?