2nd Flash Expirement

here it is http://www.alexsdesigns.net/flashexpirement.swf

its sorta strange but, i think it looks good. It took me 2 days to create this. tell me what you think=)

Pretty cool man… Tweening :stuck_out_tongue:

playamarz :player:

looks good Alex, try getting into Actionscirpt… :stuck_out_tongue:

why all experiments have to be AS?? (-: :crazy:

i know, i know… just j/k :stuck_out_tongue:

nice but yes do try some as. thats what i am doing now and its great fun~!

hahah I like your first experiment more Alex. :stuck_out_tongue:

i do to, but it was just something to pass the time. lol=)

trippy :slight_smile:

you should try bigger shapes and more overlapping =)