2nd flash site

oh. now i really feel stupid. after 2 minutes i figured out how to install new fonts. but thanx.

np Stigma =)

nice site, good clean design. Keep up the good work!


Thanks Ryall, your site looks cool so far too, is it still underconstruction?

yeah really cool. I like all the menu’s, and your inspiration: My mom and 2Advanced :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

haha thanks Didiusthegreat, 2advanced are sooooo good, I plan on getting as good as them. I hope…

Good job so far … biggest comment would be that it takes way too long to get from section to section. Maybe, for example, if the project sliders are already open and you click on feature, they don’t have to slide back in and out again. Also, I didn’t check everywhere, but scroll arrows come up in feature text except there is no where to scroll to.

Good point, I’ll take that into consideration when I do the updates. thanks =)

Where did u get yuor sounds from? I’ve been looking and I have went compleatly through flash kit and still can’t find good ones. Liked the site. Loved the menu system. Nice work:)

haha thanks sintax, you’re gonna feel really stupid once I tell you where I got the sounds. They’re all from Flashkit! lol I guess you just gotta look harder! :stuck_out_tongue:

:edit: wait are you talking about the music or the sound effects? The music is from flashkit, but the sounds were off the internet, took me awhile to find those.

Sound effects. I had heard the music loops before( I have even used your #4 before). I can’t find good sound effects. I have looked high and low but found nothing. Also how did u get the flash track music bar’s working?

For the flashtrak, all i did was take the whole thing and put it inside a movieclip then dragged the movie clip onto my main movie. =)

I like ur site!

Im just wondering what program/s did u use to create ur graphics in the background?

And ur interface?


Thanks Dave, haha I’ve been asked 29,387,423,987 times about my backgrounds, but it doesnt hurt to answer this question one more time. I used mainly Cinema 4D for the backgrounds and touched them up in Photoshop. As for my interface, some of it was made in Photoshop and some pieces were done in flash mx. Hope that answers it. =)

Hey thanks for ur reply! At least i can say im the 29,387,423,988
person to ask!!



Man, what an awsomme site.

Thanks Greenhouse. =)