2nd flash site

I’ve been working with flash for about 3 months now and after going through many tutorials, this is what I managed to put together. There are still bugs I need to work out, but take a look and give me some pointers. Thanks =)


GOD I love the design, backgrounds and the effect when you open a menu. soooo cooool

Thanks Syko! I’m now moving towards AS, hopefully I’ll start answering questions one of these days instead of asking questions.:stuck_out_tongue:

you rock!! I haven’t seen such a great since yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:
can’t wait to see your gallery finished … :smirk:

btw … quite impressive backgrounds

Thanks for the comment Kax, seems like my backgrounds are the attention whores. I’m considering making desktops for people to download once I get a real domain and hosting. Adding downloadable desktops to my current site would kill my bandwidth limit. :frowning:

I’m looking for a good and cheap PHP-supporting host too! I’ve found a quite good CGI-supporting host but I neeeed php :*(
I have…will have desktop backgrounds on my site too. It’s almost done but I have a little problem delaying it.

hopefully I’ll start answering questions one of these days instead of asking questions.
A while ago I was asking like hell and answered none. Now I’m answering as much as I can and asking maybe… 1/week or so… :slight_smile:

let me know once you find a good host and I would like to take a look at your site once it’s done. =) Right now I’m having problems with my form, but I’m not gonna go into that in this thread. I have 28749321749887239324 questions, but not enough answers. :-\

Hey i went to your site, is it a big file?

I didnt get to see anything? Maybe it was my connection!

Can i ask you a question though?

How do you get ur flash content, to stay in the middle, even when you minimize your page?

I know how to do the framesets, i would like to know how you maintain the flash file right in the middle!

Please Help me!!!


I’m sorry Dave that you weren’t able to view my site. I’m currently using a free hosting so chances are my bandwidth limit ran out when you were trying to view it. I will be purchasing a domain and better hosting soon, but it should be back up by now.

In response to your question:

“How do you get ur flash content, to stay in the middle, even when you minimize your page?”

I used html similar to these below to set up my layout.

<embed src="URL of your swf here">

The center tags keeps the tables centered even if the browser window is resized. I hope that helps, let me know if you have anymore questions. =)

Hey thnks for your reply!

I still couldnt view ur site :*(

Did you do this in Dreamweaver?

My site was done in Dreamweaver!
I tried that coding, it still didnt work for me!

Can i send you my files and you have a look at them?


totally love the look andvery intuitive navigation 10/10 in my books. I’m new to flash too. The way you have use your graphics in amazing. I’m just getting into the graphics side of things.


dave, make a table with 100 % width and height. then make a table inside that with 100% width and put ur swf inside of that one and center it :). cool site

Dave, try this one or Slayerment’s method, both should work and if it still doesn’t work then let me take a look at your page or you can look at the source on my page. I didn’t use Dreamweaver for this, I’m still new to web designing so I just used notepad and hand typed my html. I should start using Dreamweaver though…

<embed src="URL of your swf here">

Oh and thanks for all the comments guys! All that time I spent in front of the comp, staring and cussing at flash was worth it. :stuck_out_tongue:

cheap EXCELLENT hosting, with great tech support, PHP, CGI and urchant hosting stats goto webhosting.com (owned by SBC which maintains over 62 million internet connection nodes) it is all I use for myself and all my clients.


I’ll look into it, thanks. =)

Hey: electrongeek & slayerment

Thankyou both for your help and guidance, i finally got it!

I still cant view ur site though. My mate paul told me it was reall good, you helped him the other day with some action scripting “soulty”!

So im gona scheck it out next time i go to his place!


No problem Dave, I remember helping out your friend. =) About my site, I made it with MX so you’ll need the newest flash plugin to view it. You can download it at this link:


I should place a link to that on my site though so its my fault. :-\

cool site. i like it a lot. if i can ask you: what font do you use for your navigation? i love the font.

Thanks Stigma, the font I use for my nav is a pixel font, you can get it from flashkit. =)

thanx for replying so fast. i feel really stupid. i downloaded the font but i’m not really sure how to now import it into flash. could you maybe help me? sorry.