3-D Ball From PLatonic to Smooth hyper Nurb

hey this is a ball i made well actually it was a platonic now a cool Hynurb smooth spike thing…

please ill need some Comments.

I came from Cinema 4-D to PS

cool! looks like something under a microscope :slight_smile:

ask EG and you could have this hella cool glass thing.

Why shoudl i ask EG i mean i can make it better myself or im just confused form what you have typed…

It was so easy to do to…

I should make a tut on it !NAH!!

Any more comments on it.

wait, did you do that in only PS? Cause if thats it then ok, but see EG has this SICKway of doing glass in C4D

Your crazy i cant do al that in PhotoShop…

Here is the oprginal Pic…

awww man…you guys are making 3D spike balls without me…:*(


Oh LOL i wasent thinknig EG.

I had some free time in class today so I made this spike ball real quick just so I won’t fee left out here…ahhaha :x

ahhh clumsy me, I forgot to attach the image. :sigh:

hey what did you make that in EG? it looks so cool. I wanna learn that program. Is it 3Dmax or somthing?

I made it with Cinema 4D. =)


  • Soul :goatee:

Get out of here EG:smirk:

You make me look so bad :wink: LOL

But ill try to make one and beat you…

Oh And EG what the heel kinda ball is it…

I think its a C-60 bukey ball

But i gotta leanr how to do that.

Here is my entrys…

Wel ill show the first then the PS version when done.

Mine was just the defualt plantonic ball but I reduced the segments down to about 12 or 14 I forgot, I didn’t use the c-60 buckey ball.

Ok I’ll leave your thread, I know when I’m not wanted…sniff ;(